city ​​super soldier

Chapter 115 Murderous Aura

"No smoking. Smoking is not allowed during working hours. Hurry up and show the relevant documents!" The younger traffic policeman obviously just debuted, and the older one on the side immediately pulled his arm, made a look, and then looked at Lin Hao. Tiandao: "You said you work here? Take out your ID and have a look."

"This... I forgot to bring this today." Lin Haotian pretended to touch his body a few times, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I forgot to bring it, can you two help me?"

"Then find a colleague to prove it!" The older traffic policeman frowned.

When Lin Haotian heard this, he recently evoked a faint smile, and then dialed Zhong Linlin's number.

Zhong Linlin was waiting for Lin Haotian in the office. More than an hour had passed in the blink of an eye, but she didn't expect that the bastard hadn't come yet. She thought she had been put in the same place and was about to get off work to find trouble with that guy. When she was just at her desk, Lin Haotian called immediately.

"Nizi, come out quickly, my car was impounded by the traffic police, you have to explain to me!" Seeing that the call was connected, Lin Haotian yelled quickly, afraid that others would not know that they were related, and let Zhong Linlin listen She couldn't help frowning, she wished she could punish this guy severely, even if the two of them were related, there was no need to be so arrogant, right?But thinking that there was a case at hand that needed the help of this pervert husband, she had no choice but to go downstairs.

Zhong Linlin is not only the police belle, but also the image ambassador of the police station. So, as soon as Zhong Linlin appeared, the two traffic policemen were dumbfounded. My God, isn't this... the police belle recognized by the Jiangbei Police Department? .The two traffic police swallowed several saliva in a row.

"Hi, I'm the captain of the criminal police team of the Jiangbei City Police Department, Zhong Linlin!" Zhong Linlin wore a straight police uniform with her collar slightly open, and her white and ruddy neck made people want to look down along the perfect curve, Lin Haotian was attracted by this scene, he wished he could go to Zhong Linlin's villa now, and then what.

"Bah, pervert..." Zhong Linlin glared at Lin Haotian fiercely with her watery eyes, which made Lin Haotian put away that wretched expression.Seeing that Zhong Linlin had come forward, the two traffic policemen probably couldn't go wrong with this matter.

When the two traffic policemen were about to leave, they told Lin Haotian to drive slowly in the future. Anyway, there was a beautiful policeman who came forward, and everything was just a cloud.

"Hey, it's still Linlin's wife who can help!" Lin Haotian leaned forward, glanced inward, quickly stopped his eyes, and thought to himself: "Hey, after my own development, this girl has developed again? Her lordosis Houqiao is perfect for this girl. I really don't know if I will die from exhaustion in the future."

"Let's go quickly, why are you still standing there?" Zhong Linlin was really speechless to this pervert husband, even if she wanted to peek, she didn't have to act like a thief, right?Besides, hadn't he seen enough that night?

Under the leadership of Zhong Linlin, Lin Haotian followed all the way in.However, after entering, Lin Haotian quickly discovered a big problem. It was definitely a wrong decision to ask Zhong Linlin to come forward.When he first entered the lobby of the police station, countless pairs of sharp eyes immediately looked at him fiercely.

Lin Haotian suddenly found himself shivering, and a gust of cold wind hit him. Lin Haotian couldn't help shrinking his neck, leaned towards Zhong Linlin, and whispered: "My wife Linlin, why do I feel that you are too sinister?" ? There are no ghosts in this police station, are there?”

"Is there?" Zhong Linlin was taken aback for a moment, looked around, smiled, and said with a bright smile, " have to be careful!"

"Be careful of what?" Lin Haotian was taken aback.

"Be careful, your wife, I was hooked up and taken away." Zhong Linlin exhaled a breath of fragrance and said in a low voice.

"Cut, you man, who else would dare to ask for it except me?"

"Lin Haotian, bastard." Zhong Linlin roared angrily, gnashing her teeth.

When the two were arguing, a female police officer came up, with a weird smile on her face, and said, "Sister Linlin is the most beautiful policewoman in our police station, hehe, all the male compatriots in the police station Think of Sister Linlin as the goddess in her heart, but she has never brought any men in from outside. Of course, criminals are excluded. So, you are very unfortunate, and you have never been their public enemy!"

Lin Haotian was dumbfounded.As for what?Lin Haotian could also understand the feelings of those people.Such a beautiful woman, a goddess recognized by everyone, was suddenly poached by someone one day, which naturally provoked public outrage.Lin Haotian smiled helplessly, and followed Zhong Linlin's pace closely. After all, this is her territory, so you can't openly attack the police, right?

Zhong Linlin's office is on the second floor, Lin Haotian followed Zhong Linlin all the way into the office.The moment he walked into Zhong Linlin's office, Lin Haotian thought he had entered the wrong place. This is not an office, it is clearly like a bedroom. It is full of girls' clothes and various cute decorations. Lin Haotian is a little Surprised, do wives who watch violence still like these things?Lin Haotian shuddered all over.

"Sit down!" Zhong Linlin walked to a sofa and sat down.Lin Haotian looked around, very curious, and sat down opposite Zhong Linlin, reached out and hugged a SpongeBob SquarePants, the female police officer at the side suddenly became angry: "Bastard, put it down, it's mine!"

"..." Lin Haotian was embarrassed, and hurriedly put SpongeBob SquarePants down, and said with a smirk, "I didn't expect there to be such a strange place in the police station?"

"There are so many things you didn't expect!" Zhong Linlin nodded and said with a smile: "I am more casual, and I like to find some clues to the case in random, so I let the members decorate this place like a home." Cozy."

"So that's how it is." Lin Haotian nodded pretendingly, and then asked curiously: "Then what about your male compatriots? Those elders can't be like you in such an office environment, right? Wouldn't that be crazy?"

"Cut!" The female police officer on the side looked at Lin Haotian disdainfully, rolled her eyes, and said, "You don't know about this, do you? Male police officers are not allowed to enter this room without the permission of Chief Zhong, otherwise they will all follow Peeping deal. And you are the first man under the age of 40 to enter here, so, you should be proud!"


"Xiaofang, here is a cup of tea." Zhong Linlin quickly changed the subject and asked Xiaofang to pour a cup of tea for Lin Haotian.

"You came to me in such a hurry, what happened?" Lin Haotian hurriedly waved his hands.He always felt that these two women were not as simple as they appeared on the surface. This girl dared to cheat her husband, so he had to teach this girl a lesson when he got home, and let him know how many eyes Prince Ma has.

"Okay!" Zhong Linlin nodded, and then said to the female police officer beside her, "Xiaofang, help me get those documents!"

Xiaofang nodded, and immediately took a bunch of materials from the reference room and put them in front of Lin Haotian.Zhong Linlin took one of them and handed it to Lin Haotian, saying, "I think you should have paid attention to the news of these two days?"

A word to readers:

Brothers, today is the third shift for the time being, my eyes are a little blurry, I will continue tomorrow, thank you brothers for your support.

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