city ​​super soldier

Chapter 116 Offending the Rebel Scale,...

"What news?" Lin Haotian took a look at the information in Zhong Linlin's hand, but found nothing unusual.He asked curiously, "Is there any question?"

"Don't you know that there are frequent cases of women missing recently?" Zhong Linlin looked at the black-faced man in the photo, gritted her teeth, and said, "This man is a special forces veteran with the same surname and Yuan. We suspect that the recent disappearance of women has something to do with him, but the police who tracked him all disappeared inexplicably, and I need your help."

"Is that so?" Lin Haotian was taken aback, and said, "You won't let me lurk inside the other party, and then dig information for you?"

"Of course not, can I still harm you?!" Zhong Linlin said with a sly smile, "I decided to use beauty tricks."


"It's very simple, as long as you accompany me to the restaurant, and then investigate clearly!" Zhong Linlin giggled and said, "If the other party is really that pervert, I will go with you. He will definitely show his feet."

Lin Haotian rolled his eyes, thought for a while, the veterans of the special forces must have extraordinary skills, if it was really done by the other party, this girl must not be able to handle it, it seems that it will not work if you don't agree.

"How are you thinking?" Zhong Linlin saw that Lin Haotian seemed to be thinking.

" problem!" Lin Haotian nodded, put his head close to Zhong Linlin's ear and whispered, "However, after this incident, you have to wear a police uniform to serve me, how about it?"

"Okay!" Zhong Linlin stretched out her sexy lilac tongue, licked her sexy red lips, and blinked her two jet-black eyes, showing her playfulness and charm.

After the cooperation agreement was concluded, the two discussed when to leave and how to find them.After all, the other party is a life-hunter, if one is not careful, it is very likely that he will lose his life.So, it's better to be careful about things like this.After half an hour of negotiation, a consensus was finally reached.

When Lin Haotian came out of the police station, it was already afternoon before he knew it.He drove the Volkswagen Passat back to the villa, asked Zhang Ma to cook a bowl of noodles, ate them in a hurry, and then lay on the sofa snoring, as if he completely forgot that he had promised Wang Ruoying to go to the company.

As night fell, Lin Haotian was pulled back from his sleep by the ringtone of his mobile phone: "Hello..."

"Brother Hao, save me... There are bad guys!" On the other end of the phone, Lin Yuxuan's voice was anxious and hurried, and she shouted in horror: "Brother Hao, someone is going to arrest me, please save me!"

Lin Haotian was awakened by Lin Yuxuan's voice in an instant, a carp jumped straight from the sofa to the ground, and rushed out with a bang, Lin Haotian's expression was very nervous, Lin Yuxuan was his default woman, who the hell would eat it Ambitious leopard gall?How dare he touch his woman?

Lin Haotian teleported outside the villa with a flash, quickly rushed into the Volkswagen Passat, stepped on the accelerator and drove frantically towards the People's Hospital.

Driven by Lin Haotian, the speed of the Volkswagen Passat has reached the extreme, but Lin Haotian is not satisfied at all. No matter how hard you step on this damned broken car, the speed will not go up.In fact, Lin Haotian has exceeded the speed limit of 180 yards.

At the gate of Jiangbei People's Hospital, the beautiful scenery line has undoubtedly been destroyed by someone at this time.A few burly men grabbed Lin Yuxuan's arm with one hand, and the other two held down Lin Yuxuan's colleague tightly. Although the two fathers struggled, no passerby was willing to step forward to help. Occasionally, a few people in the crowd held their mobile phones, I dare not call the police.

"Hey, chick, I'm going to drive you crazy!" A young man dressed in non-mainstream clothes shook his hair and walked up to Lin Yuxuan step by step. Looking at Lin Yuxuan's face, he was a little mesmerized, and he hadn't touched him for many years. To such a beautiful nurse.It's rare to come across one today, so I have to get it back and have fun.

"Feng Shao, let's just drag him into the car!" One of the men seems to know that the impact of this matter is a bit bad. If the media reporters find out, it may be troublesome. The young master can do whatever he wants, even if it kills someone, it doesn't matter, after all, the police captain's name is there.

"Okay!" The young man nodded, showing a wretched smile and said, "Hurry up and get in the car."

There are two luxury cars parked next to it, one is Audi Q7 and the other is BMW X5.Both cars are models beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Let go of me, don't touch my friend..." Lin Yuxuan struggled desperately, and two burly men held her tightly, no matter how hard she struggled, she didn't move a bit.Such a chilling scene was staged at the entrance of the People's Hospital, which made people feel chills in their hearts.


There was a loud noise, and everyone's eyes turned back immediately. A black Volkswagen Passat bumped into Audi's ass.Everyone gasped suddenly, isn't this Audi the seat of that non-mainstream youth?Unexpectedly, there was another guy who wanted to die at this critical point, and everyone prayed for this guy.

"Grass!" The non-mainstream youth glared as expected, and walked towards the Volkswagen Passat.

Lin Haotian quickly jumped out of the car.The scene was chaotic, four or five strong men grabbed two women who were powerless. This scene made Lin Haotian angry. Anyone who touches the scales will be punished no matter how far away. Lin Haotian walked towards the non-mainstream youth with a sullen face. In front of him, he said coldly, and asked the yellow-haired young man who was walking towards him step by step: "Who are those people from you?"

"That's right!" The non-mainstream youth nodded.However, he immediately felt something was wrong, why should he answer his question by himself, didn't I come to trouble this guy?Just as he reacted, a fist the size of a sandbag greeted his eyes.


The non-mainstream youth fell to the ground under Lin Haotian's punch, lying on the ground and wailing non-stop. Seeing this, four or five strong men not far away immediately released Lin Yuxuan and the two girls, and trained Lin Haotian surrounded.

"Brother Hao..." Lin Yuxuan hurriedly shouted, she covered her red lips, she didn't know what to do, she knew that although the man she loved was very powerful, but these people in front of her seemed to have some official background, she hurriedly called the police Call, although the police were called, but it would take some time for the police to dispatch the police, and she had no idea what the origins of these people in front of her were. If even the police couldn't deal with it, she could only call grandpa for help.

"Xuan'er, don't worry, I'm still keeping an eye on these bastards!" Lin Haotian gave Lin Yuxuan a look that everything was OK, and then looked gloomyly at the big men in front of him.


Seeing this, Lin Yuxuan burst out laughing.She supported the female colleague, and the two women looked at Lin Haotian nervously.

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