Lin Yuxuan rushed up to meet him, took Lin Haotian's arm, looked him up and down, and asked with concern: "Brother Hao, are you okay?" "Lin Haotian smiled, and lightly scratched Lin Yuxuan's delicate nose, and said, "Xuan'er, are you okay? Remember that you must call me first when you encounter something, you know?" "Yeah !" Lin Yuxuan nodded, holding Lin Haotian's arm with a happy face, and gently pressed his head on Lin Haotian's shoulder.Zhong Linlin looked at the warm-smelling two people, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, then she regained her composure, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she walked up to Lin Haotian, and muttered: "Bastard, you hook up with a beautiful woman in front of my mother, you are courting death!" Is it?" "Ahem, this is a misunderstanding, so what, I just passed by." Lin Haotian quickly explained. "Hmph, I'm going back to clean you up." Zhong Linlin snorted softly, and waved to the police behind her. The police car roared away, taking away the non-mainstream youth. Several veterans at the scene knew that they had kicked the steel plate this time. "Brother Hao, do you know that beautiful policeman?" Lin Yuxuan smiled strangely. " can't be said" Lin Haotian chuckled. "Hmph, I hate it!" Lin Yuxuan let go of Lin Haotian's arm, turned and left, "It's fine if you don't say anything." It's not that Lin Haotian didn't say anything, but that he didn't want Lin Yuxuan to know his details. "Brother Hao, go back!" Lin Yuxuan tilted his head, seeming to remember something, and said, "Go back and rest early, I'm going to work." "Okay, I'll take you to the hospital in front and go back!" Lin Haotian nodded .Because of the hero saving the beauty just now, Lin Yuxuan kept blinking at Lin Haotian from behind, making funny faces, that pure and lovely appearance really made people feel a burst of love from the bottom of his heart.This little girl, who is so pretty and clever, can give people some fun from time to time, and gradually brings back long-lost memories in Lin Haotian's heart. "Brother Hao, let's go back in first!" Lin Yuxuan smiled softly, dragged his cheeks with his hands, stuck out his pink tongue, and waved at Lin Haotian.He and his colleagues walked into the hospital.Lin Haotian stood at the entrance of the hospital, watching Lin Yuxuan walk into the hospital safely, then turned around and walked back.Just turning around, a red Ferrari stopped directly in front of Lin Haotian with a 'creak' sound.Lin Haotian was scared out of his wits, thinking that the enemy was coming to seek revenge.When he came back to his senses, he saw that it was Wang Ruoying, the president of Leng Yan. Could it be that this little girl had convulsions?Running out at night to race cars?Lin Haotian stammered and shouted. "Ying... Yingying's wife?!" "Get in the car!" Wang Ruoying glanced at Lin Haotian and said coldly.Lin Haotian nodded, climbed onto the red Ferrari with a puzzled face, and looked up and down at Wang Ruoying. He was surprised to find that the girl's clothes were completely opposite to those in the daytime. If Wang Ruoying in the daytime was serious and casual; Then, at night, Wang Ruoying looked very weird, wearing a revealing attire, black shorts with a cut head, and a small suspender with exposed shoulders on her upper body.Lin Haotian swallowed his saliva, his eyes almost couldn't pop this really Wang Ruoying?After a while, Lin Haotian came back to his senses, and asked nervously, "Where are you going?" "Phoenix Mountain" Wang Ruoying threw three words coldly. "Wife Yingying, what are we going there for?" Lin Haotian asked in a low voice. Phoenix Mountain is a tourist base with rugged mountain roads in Jiangbei City. However, a few years ago, it was turned into a racing base by a group of dudes. "Racing!" Wang Ruoying smiled strangely. "Then what, are you kidding me?" Lin Haotian exclaimed, he didn't even have time to fasten the safety buckle. After the super-performance Ferrari was modified, the performance was even stronger, and he suddenly backed up. Lin Haotian almost knocked his head on the front panel.Before he could react, there was a sudden burst of violent acceleration, and the sports car sped out, accelerating to 170 yards in less than three seconds. Lin Haotian's heart almost jumped out, and he couldn't help suspecting that this girl really knew how to drive what? "Wow, a sports car?!" "Tsk tsk...this car is not bad." A few young people walking by the road looked at the speeding Ferrari, and they pointed to the luxury car they had never seen before and talked about it.There was still a light of joy in the eyes, and each of them thought to themselves, if I have money in the future, I will buy one too. "Wife Yingying, don't you drive a sports car like this?" Lin Haotian was very helpless. The performance of Ferrari is so powerful that ordinary people can't master it. Legend has it that people who drive this car will die strangely because they don't have strong brains and hands and feet. It is impossible to control the reaction speed, of course, unless you move forward quickly.Lin Haotian looked at Wang Ruoying, who had tiny beads of sweat on her forehead, shook her head helplessly, and couldn't help but reach out to wipe her sweat. "Put down your salty hands." Wang Ruoying didn't look sideways. The speed was very fast, and she arrived at Fenghuang Mountain in the blink of an eye. The mountain road is not steep, but there are many curves. "Wife Yingying, I think, let's go back." Lin Haotian watched Wang Ruoying bite her red lips tightly, with a desperate expression, as if she couldn't control the continuous curve ahead.Immediately exclaimed: "Hey, hey... stop, don't mess around, be careful and rush into the cliff!" Creak...Wang Ruoying stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car slid out a black mark on the ground, if it wasn't for Lin Haotian just now Shouting from the side, it is estimated that she had already rushed over, but if she shouted like that, she would immediately lose her confidence. "Bastard, what are you yelling?" Wang Ruoying looked at Lin Haotian angrily, her willow eyebrows were raised, and her beautiful eyes were full of anger. "Uh... your skills are not good enough. There are three consecutive curves ahead. If you are a little negligent, it will kill two lives in one car!" Lin Haotian wiped his sweat. Fortunately, this little girl didn't take any risks, otherwise it would be the reincarnation of Jesus. Unable to save himself, Lin Haotian hastily opened the car door and said, "Wife Yingying, who murdered her husband, you didn't bring someone like you." "Come back!" Wang Ruoying shouted coquettishly. "Well, I'm still young, and I really don't want to die young." Lin Haotian shook his head when he said this, and said, "Although we are husband and wife, there is a saying that husband and wife are like birds in the same forest. Fei, don't worry, I will collect the corpse for you." "You..." Wang Ruoying has never been reprimanded like this before, and she immediately became angry: "You drive if you have the ability? Hmph, I guess your skills are not very good, right? "Since you have said that, I'd better get out of the car and walk home, so as not to make headlines in Jiangbei City tomorrow." If you don't provoke Nizi, does she really think that his skills are against the sky?Even if you want to die, don't you bring such a bag?A note to readers: Brothers, the votes are not strong recently.

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