city ​​super soldier

Chapter 119 The Red-haired Man

"Bastard, come back quickly!" Wang Ruoying felt that she was going too far, but she couldn't bow her head to admit her mistake, so she could only yell without pain, but Lin Haotian had no intention of turning back.Angry, Wang Ruoying jumped out of the car, pointed at Lin Haotian and said coquettishly, "Bastard, you come back to me, otherwise..." "Otherwise what?" Lin Haotian turned his head and smiled evilly. "Otherwise...otherwise I'll give you a cuckold." Wang Ruoying seemed to feel that it was not enough to relieve her anger, she stomped her feet fiercely, and then sat in the cab.Lin Haotian was speechless immediately, Nima, did this woman have a brain twitch?Can this kind of thing be taken out as a joke?However, it cannot be denied that this trick was very effective. Lin Haotian hurried back, put his hands on the car, poked his head in through the window, and said, "You can come back, but you are not allowed to drive fast!" "Huh!" Wang Ruoying snorted coldly, He gave Lin Haotian a hard look, and said, "It's not up to you to control what I do!" "Okay, I'm afraid of you!" Lin Haotian shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and quickly got into the car. "Go to the top of Phoenix Mountain. There is a racing club. There are racing competitions every night at this time!" Lin Haotian glanced at Lin Haotian and said, "I just heard your tone, you seem to be able to drive?" "Of course, you think I'm a car god Is your nickname a nonsense?" Lin Haotian was actually shocked in his heart, this girl is the goddess in the hearts of men in Jiangbei City, first of all, the identity of the president has already lit up the halo on her head; second, she was born with a devilish look She has a tall figure, but has a face comparable to that of an angel. She almost instantly killed the attention of all male compatriots in Jiangbei City when she appeared in the media on her first day as the president of the Wang Group, and also made her become Jiangbei City's gold star. flower. "Dead pervert, you will die if you don't brag?" Wang Ruoying shook her head helplessly. This cheap husband is good at everything, but he just keeps talking all day long.Wang Ruoying smiled slightly, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the top of the mountain at a very slow speed.The night in Jiangbei City is very beautiful, Lin Haotian is really full of curiosity about the woman beside him, a beautiful and serious CEO during the day, but at night, she immediately turns into a black witch.This made Lin Haotian somewhat unable to turn the corner.Before the car reached the top of the mountain, they could already hear cheers from the Phoenix Mountain platform on the top of the mountain, various exclamations, the muffled roar of the sports car, and the friction of tires on the ground.Wang Ruoying's sports car sped down the mountain road. When everyone turned around, they recognized Wang Ruoying's red Ferrari sports car at a glance, and immediately fell silent.Wang Ruoying smiled slightly, coordinated with her hands and feet, accelerator, brake, and clutch at the same time, slid a beautiful curve on the square, and then stopped steadily.Amidst the cheers of the crowd, a red-haired man wearing Armani walked towards Wang Ruoying step by step, opened the car door for Wang Ruoying with his own hands, swept Wang Ruoying's chest mercilessly, and said with a smile: " Mr. Wang, are you here again?" "Of course!" Wang Ruoying pouted and said, "Today, I'm here for revenge!" The crowd shouted excitedly, they were extremely excited. Rare, even if there are, they are just the girlfriends of those race car drivers. Although they are good-looking, compared with beauties like Wang Ruoying, they seem a little out of hand. The eyes of the second generations were wide open, and the corners of their mouths were drooling. They wished they could pounce on them immediately. "Okay!" The red-haired man nodded, opened the car door, and said, "Then I'll give Mr. Wang a chance today, but..." "But what?" Wang Ruoying asked suspiciously. "Hey, I need to add a bit of color!" The red-haired man smiled, and there was a strange frown in his eyes. "Isn't it 500 million last time?" Wang Ruoying asked suspiciously, "Don't you think it's too small?" For Mr. Wang, a few million is a trivial matter; for me, money is something external to us, so money is meaningless to us!" Wang Ruoying folded her arms and leaned against the front of the car, and said coldly: " Then what do you want?" "A kiss from the gambling king, how about it?" The red-haired man smiled strangely, as if he was sure of winning. "What if you lose?" Wang Ruoying's expression darkened immediately. "If I lose, I... I'll kowtow three times to Mr. Wang." The red-haired man said calmly. Wang Ruoying glanced at it, and just as she was about to agree, Lin Haotian jumped out of the car and waved: "Wait a minute !" This sound immediately shifted everyone's attention from Wang Ruoying to Lin Haotian.Where is this guy from?How dare you say wait to Young Master Xing? , When everyone saw Lin Haotian clearly, they burst out laughing and said, "Mr. Wang, you are racing a car, it's just a private life. As for bringing a bodyguard?" Are people and dogs allowed?" Wang Ruoying was taken aback for a moment, and I looked at Lin Haotian nervously, for fear that this cheap husband would get angry, but she knew that this cheap husband was not a vegetarian. , "This... I don't know who it is?" The red-haired man pointed at Lin Haotian and asked. "Oh, she's my bodyguard!" Wang Ruoying nodded lightly. "So it's a bodyguard!" The red-haired man smiled slightly. ", I'm actually her husband." Lin Haotian shook his head, and cursed secretly: "These bastards actually belittled my wife in front of me. If a tiger doesn't show its power, it really takes me Is it a sick cat?" Puchi... the restless guys around burst into laughter.Even the redhead didn't expect Lin Haotian to climb up the pole. He originally wanted to save him some face, but he didn't expect that this kid would bring himself to humiliate himself.The red-haired man smiled lightly and said, "Hehe, it's really interesting. A little bodyguard pretends to be Mr. Wang's husband, and doesn't take a pee to take pictures of himself!" Some people hide their ugly face and try to take advantage of others in the name of racing, I am ashamed for such people!" Lin Haotian counterattacked without hesitation. "You..." The red-haired man looked at Lin Haotian gloomyly, his eyes full of murderous intent.Wang Ruoying shouted coldly, and said: "Shut up, I agree!" "Are you sure?" Lin Haotian looked at Wang Ruoying with a puzzled expression, what was this girl thinking?Couldn't she see that it was a hoax?Or is it that she has no brains at all?To the readers: Thank you Xing Sui I wish brother 1800 grain reward, thank you for supporting Xiaodi all the way.Recommend a brother's fantasy masterpiece Field Record

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