Feng Yu's complexion changed again, on the surface she wanted to live, but she didn't want to die, but in fact she was already implementing a plan to delay time, basically she was sure of winning in her heart, she had a certain degree of confidence in the dark guard, and believed that nothing would go wrong with the dark guard, He made a condition and said: "We can double whatever benefits Cang Yueyu gives you, even ten times and a hundred times. As long as you let us go tonight, we will never break our promise. If you are afraid that Cang Yueyu will find out, you will be rewarded from now on. You can follow us later."

"We are all loyal to the prince. Want to buy us? Who do you think we are?" the leader said disdainfully.

"There will always be a price. Otherwise, you can open it yourself." Feng Yu said again.

Time, under Feng Yu's intentional and ingenious procrastination, passed quickly.

for a long time--

Just when the leader was getting impatient and was about to order to do it, the hidden guard acting as a coachman who broke out with the help of Xin Moge earlier ran towards this side staggeringly, obviously afflicted. He looked seriously injured, and when he was about to run, he became unstable, and fell down in embarrassment. He lay on the ground and raised his head with difficulty, and loudly said to Xin Moge who was trapped in the middle: "My lord, my subordinates... ...Leading the support back, unfortunately...unfortunately, they were caught in an ambush, and they were killed by surprise. Only...only one of the subordinates risked their lives to break out of the encirclement, and their killer has already chased...chased..."

Feng Yu and Xin Moge looked at it.

The hidden bodyguard who was the coachman who fell on the ground and broke out earlier, his arrival, and the words he said were all false, and they were deliberately told to the leader according to Xin Moge's previous instructions to him. And what all the killers present listened to, while confusing the leader and all the killers present, it was more important to convey a message to Xin Moge and Feng Yu calmly, that is, other hidden guards had led tens of thousands of prisoners The concealment is good, everything is ready.

Just in front of the leader and all the killers present, so clearly and openly conveying the news!

Feng Yu and Xin Moge glanced at each other immediately, and the corners of their lips twitched faintly. There was no need to say anything, and each of them knew it very clearly in their hearts.

The leader of the killers sneered again after hearing the loud words from the fallen guard, "Xin Moge, Feng Yu, should you give up now? I advise you to accept death obediently. "

After finishing speaking, the leader of the killers immediately ordered the others to act without delay.

Immediately, Xin Moge flew up with Feng Yu, swept past the heads of the besieged killers, and went to the side of the hidden guard who fell on the ground.

Afterwards, Xin Moge let go of Feng Yu in his arms, and let Feng Yu help the hidden guard who fell to the ground to go first, and he cut off the back.

Feng Yu nodded, then lifted the hidden guard who was lying on the ground and left.

A group of killers chased after them. Seeing this scene clearly, they believed that Xin Moge and Feng Yu were at the end of the road, otherwise Xin Moge would not let Feng Yu escape first.

In a short time, Xin Moge had engaged in dozens of rounds with a group of killers, and never let any killer pass him to chase Feng Yu who left behind him.

After a while, the two sides were still tied. Xin Moge used the sharp sword he had seized to sweep across the army suddenly, fending off the attacks of all the killers, forcing all the killers to take a step back.

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