Feng Yu, who had already walked a distance while supporting the hidden guard who fell on the ground, kept turning her head to look at everything behind her.

Seeing this scene and seeing all the killers backing away because of Xin Moge's move, Feng Yu immediately seized the opportunity, stopped, and spoke loudly at all the killers, almost shouting.

When Xin Moge and the killers heard the sound, they instinctively stopped their attacking or self-defense movements slightly, and looked at Feng Yu.

At this stop, the killer who retreated due to Xin Moge's move was on one side, and Xin Moge was on the other side, and a clear-cut confrontation scene was naturally formed.And this is exactly the final situation that Feng Yu wanted.

"I really feel sorry for those captives. They were forced to surrender. After they surrendered, they could have stayed here to build a new capital in peace and security. It is not a problem to keep one life alive. But , but because of the word 'loyalty', they re-invested under Cang Yueyu's banner to serve you. According to my understanding of Cang Yueyu, Cang Yueyu would never believe them. After the matter is completed, the only thing waiting for them is A dead end, and a lifetime of infamy, both sides are not human. Am I right?"

Every word and sentence, although the violent storm, lightning and thunder, did not weaken in the slightest from the beginning to the end, but it still spread clearly, and it was transmitted to the ears of the line of killers some distance ahead, and at the same time, it was transmitted to the hidden In the ears of all the commanders and captains on one side, as well as the ears of many prisoners in the front.

The leader of the killers was obviously startled slightly, not understanding why Feng Yu would say such words suddenly.

The other killers were almost the same, and they couldn't help being startled.

Feng Yu spoke again.

Because of the distance and the storm, lightning and thunder, her loud voice never aroused the suspicion of any killer, including the leader.

"Actually, I really want to know how the families of the tens of thousands of captives are doing now after they surrendered that day? Yi Cang Yueyu's viciousness, I'm afraid none of them will be let go?"

"What do you want to do when you say this now?" The leader of the killers became more and more confused, and finally replied loudly.

Also because of the distance and the storm, lightning and thunder, he had to speak loudly to reach Feng Yu's ears. He didn't know that there were tens of thousands of captives hidden behind the hills on one side, and those captives were all listening.

And this is exactly the final result that Feng Yu wants, all the calculations are just for this, so that the words spoken by the leader of the killers will be transmitted to the commanders and captains clearly and word for word. And in the ears of the captives, and let them see with their own eyes.And if she didn't help the hidden guard to take a step first, and didn't distance herself from the leader of the killers and all the killers, the leader wouldn't need to answer her so loudly, so how could the voice be heard clearly? Effect?

Bean-sized raindrops fell densely on the ground, on people's bodies and faces.

Behind the hill, there are tens of thousands of captives hidden, all the commanders and captains at the front, as well as those captives at the front, unconsciously clenched their hands for a moment. Using them, never even thinking about letting them live, they all fell for it.

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