"Hehe, what else can we do? It's just sympathy for each other. Do you think there was no doubt on the way we came here? How could Luohe suddenly burst the dike? But, for the sake of everyone's life, we still came, and we brought A few people hurriedly braved the heavy rain to come here overnight." Half of this statement is true, as for the other half who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to buy people's hearts, of course we can't say it, as long as we know it well.

"I wanted to resent and hate the tens of thousands of captives who had already betrayed, but then I thought about it, they were originally an army of the imperial court, and they were just loyal to the imperial court again, and they were just being used. What awaits them in the near future There is only death, and I can’t hate or complain, I just feel worthless and sad for them.”

"Not worth it? Sad? Yes, as you said, when things are done, the only thing waiting for them is a dead end. However, all of this is what they asked for, and any surrender will never want to live in this world." The leader Unaware that the killer had completely fallen into the trap carefully set by Feng Yu, he blurted out following Feng Yu's words and then replied loudly, with obvious disdain and contempt in his voice.

"Did Cang Yueyu plan this early in the morning? After using it, don't keep one?" Feng Yu set a trap again for the leader to jump.

Since the leader has already said what he just said, he might as well say a little more.At this time, here, and under such circumstances, there are only three people, Feng Yu, Xin Moge, and the seriously injured hidden guard that Feng Yu is supporting, and I am absolutely sure that Feng Yu, Xin Moge and the other three will never have another Any chance of survival, it is absolutely impossible to take a step here alive, these words are absolutely impossible to spread, "Yes, no one will be kept. As the saying goes, if it is you who are unfaithful, you will believe them ?”

When he spoke the last half of the sentence, the tone of the leader of the killers was full of cynicism.

"Yes, of course, we can even make promises in front of them. Everyone, come out, I believe you have heard what you said just now? Cang Yueyu never thought of letting you live, he was just using You, such a person, do you still want to be loyal to him? Prince Xin is here, as long as you change your decision now and swear to be loyal to Prince Xin from now on, Prince Xin will never treat you badly. We can swear together here Heaven and earth are witnesses." Having achieved her goal, Feng Yu said loudly to the side where tens of thousands of prisoners were hiding from the side of her head.

The secret guards who were hiding there together with all the commanders, captains and prisoners naturally heard it clearly.

The hidden guard who was hiding there immediately stood up first, looked sideways at the commanders and captains beside him, and said, "I believe you have heard what I just said. As long as you turn your allegiance to the prince, the prince will not treat you badly." of."

The leader of the killers and the other killers followed Feng Yu's line of sight for a moment, and saw people standing up densely over there, the blackness was endless, and the number was hard to estimate.

In an instant, the expressions of the leader of the killers and the other killers suddenly changed, and they froze.

The dark guards then brought all the commanders and captains over to Xin Moge and Feng Yu.

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