After reading it, Su Ran trembled slightly and sat down on the chair.

Su Hu, although he ordered Su Zi to tell her everything, obviously trying to persuade her to compromise, but in the end he still gave her a choice.

Su Zi waited patiently outside the door, not letting anyone take a step here.

quite a while--

The closed door opened, and Su Ran came out from inside, with a dull expression, "Let's go."

Su Zi knew the content of Su Hu's letter, but she didn't ask Su Ran's final choice immediately, she nodded, and led Su Ran to the back door quickly.Outside the back door, an unremarkable carriage was already waiting there quietly.

Su Zi poked her head out and looked around, then motioned for Su Ran to go out, then helped Su Ran get into the car first, and then followed.

The inside of the carriage was dark, as crude as the outside of the carriage.After putting down the car curtain, Su Zi quickly found the package under the car seat, opened the package, and took out the two black cloaks with cloaks that were prepared in the package, one for Su Ran and one for herself After wearing it, he asked Su Ran's decision in a low voice.

"Miss, do you want to go to the prison or go out of the capital? If you leave the capital, the servants can only take you out of the city. After you leave the city, you get off immediately, and the servants will lure away those who may be pursued in secret, and you go quickly , be careful in everything in the future, and don’t come back again, because the master said that the prince Yu may have known about going to the prison in secret, and he may also send someone to follow and monitor secretly, so as to find out whether you really love my uncle and have a relationship with the prince Cang. There is no relationship between Yueli and Yueli. If you decide to go to the prison, then really don't think about Crown Prince Cang Yueli anymore, I believe my uncle will treat you well."

"It's still the same sentence, indecision will only hurt everyone, including yourself, Miss."

"Miss, this is the only chance the master has given you. There will never be a next time. You must think carefully about it."

After saying the last sentence, Su Zi shut up and didn't bother Su Ran's decision, and waited patiently again, even though time was very tight at this moment.

"What's the relationship between you and him?" Su Ran didn't answer immediately, but asked suddenly, without any change, since she opened the door and came out.Long before this, she already had this kind of suspicion. Su Zi looked a year or two younger than her, but she was always calm, calm and competent in her affairs. What's more, Su Hu seemed to tell her everything. , Nothing is hidden from her.

"This question, if you choose to go to the sky prison, miss, I will tell you the truth when you return to Ge's mansion." After speaking for a while, Su Zi had already put on the black cloak with the cloak, and opened the car Curtain looked out.

"Then I'm afraid I'll never have a chance to know, go out of Beijing." Su Ran closed her eyes, and said the last two words in a dull manner.

Su Zi's hand holding the car curtain froze for a moment, but the stiffness was only for a moment.

Su Zi immediately opened her mouth and told the driver waiting outside to leave Beijing immediately.

The coachman took the order and drove the carriage away quickly.

The cold wind blows a small corner of the car curtain, and through that corner, you can clearly see the streets and shops passing by outside.

Su Ran looked sideways, and it turned out that what Su Hu said was true, he was really willing to send her away, not just pretending.

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