After that, no one spoke, and the compartment fell into silence.

After a long time—

The speed of the carriage slowed down, and the coachman continued to drive outside, saying, "The city gate is ahead."

Hearing this, Su Zi raised a corner of the car curtain to look out again, then took out the token she was carrying with her, and was going to use it to call open the closed city gate when she reached the city gate.

"Let's go to the prison." At this moment, Su Ran spat out four words dumbly, without any fluctuation in his voice or face.

Su Zi was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Su Ran reflexively, almost suspecting that she had heard wrong.

Su Ran closed her eyes and finally made the final decision in her heart.

Su Zi looked at Su Ran for a while, and after confirming that it was correct, she happily turned the driver around outside and quickly went to the prison, and then persuaded Su Ran in a low voice: "Miss, since you have made your decision, don't hesitate anymore. This matter between the princes, let him go."

Su Ran closed her eyes and did not speak.

If Su Hu lied to her and was just pretending, she would definitely leave!However, it turned out that what Su Hu said was actually true.

In the current situation, Cang Yueyu is about to ascend the throne, and the court will soon have a new pattern. If Cang Yueyu notices any clues at this time and investigates it, the Su family will really be over.She really couldn't ignore the whole family of the Su family.

In the darkness, a tear slipped from the corner of Su Ran's eye, across the entire face, and finally dripped silently.

Su Ran stretched out her hand to wipe her face, since she had given up on Cang Yueli, she should really make a clean break, don't even think about it.She has always been Su Hu's daughter, and now she is a member of the Ge family. The current road is the one she really wants to take.


After a long time, the carriage stopped outside the prison.

The coachman jumped off his horse first, stood outside the car and said, "Miss, the prison is here."

Su Zi immediately opened the curtain and went down, asking the driver to accompany Su Ran and wait here, and she went to arrange and take care of it earlier.

After a while, Su Zi came back after making arrangements and arrangements.In fact, Su Hu had almost made arrangements in advance, she just went to have a face-to-face interview first.

"Miss, get out of the car. This servant will accompany you in." Su Zi opened the curtain and said to the inside of the car, then helped Su Ran get down.

The sky prison under the night was silent, and there was a gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

Su Ran glanced around indifferently, and after making a decision, the descendants became strangely calm.Cang Yueli has nothing to do with her, Ge Mingqi is the path she wants to take in this life, and this path has nothing to do with affection and love.Perhaps, it is precisely because of the lack of love and love that she can go further, longer and more calmly, so calm that from now on only reason is left, and let reason tell her what to do and what not to do.

"Miss, this way." Su Zi led Su Ran forward.

Su Ran followed.

The guards guarding the dungeon saw Su Zi and Su and then, without saying anything, opened the gate of the dungeon to let Su Zi and Su Ran in.

Inside the dungeon, the air was dull and the light was dim, although the left and right sides were full of torches.

A jailer, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately led Su Ran and Su Zi to the depths of the dungeon.

When Su Ran and Su Zi got out of the car, they had already put on black cloaks. While following the jailer leading the way, they lowered their heads slightly and looked at the cells and the detainees in the cells passing by on the left and right.

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