Fengyu then checked other places on Xuyun's body, wanting to see if there were any other wounds or abnormalities.

After a careful examination, combined with the symptoms of Xu Yun's death, Feng Yu can be sure that Xu Yun's death was due to blood poisoning after the dagger was pierced into the body, and there were no other factors.

But, who stabbed this dagger?

When she and Xin Moge came, there were only Xu Yun and Xin Haoyan in the whole room.

And they saw with their own eyes that Xin Haoyan pushed Xu Yun away and pushed Xu Yun to the ground.

Thinking of this, Fengyu hesitated for a moment, looked back at Xin Moge behind her, and then asked bluntly to Xin Haoyan in front of her: "My lord, what's going on? Can you tell me everything that happened? Tell us one more time."

Xin Haoyan stood up, looked at Feng Yu, then at Xin Moge.

Xin Moge asked the hidden guards behind him to guard outside the courtyard, and no one was allowed to come closer without his order.

After the dark guard left, Xin Haoyan explained the matter carefully in front of Feng Yu and Xin Moge.

Of course, Xin Haoyan omitted the specific words Zen said to Shangguan Feihong, and the specific words Shangguan Feihong said to Zen.

What was omitted at the same time was the fact that Shangguan Feihong married him for another purpose.

This matter is not only related to how stupid and ridiculous he is, King Xin, who has been cheated for so many years without knowing it, but also related to Xin Moge. After all, Shangguan Feihong is Xin Moge's biological mother. Knowing what Shangguan Feihong had done, he didn't want to create new gaps in the already bad relationship between Xin Moge and Shangguan Feihong. Even though he was still annoyed at the moment, he couldn't help clenching his fists whenever he thought about it. .

Feng Yu immediately stood up and frowned, "In other words, Xu Yun not only knows that you will come here, lord, but also knows that Zen has committed suicide by jumping off a cliff."

Xin Haoyan nodded, "That's right, from what he said, he really knew about it a long time ago, and he even waited for me to come here on purpose. Also, he also said, 'So, you guys really came here early. I already know that I am Cang Yueyu's person', judging from this sentence, if he didn't realize something suddenly, someone must have said something to him. Today, especially in the afternoon, did he go out? Who have you met?"

"No, he hasn't gone out today. If he has gone out or met anyone, the hidden guard will report to me." Feng Yu replied.

However, having said that, Feng Yu immediately called in the secret guards who were secretly monitoring Xu Yun, and asked them carefully face to face.

The secret guards who were spying on Xu Yun arrived soon, and said to Xin Moge, Feng Yu, and Xin Haoyan: "The subordinates have been closely monitoring outside the courtyard and have not left. In the morning, Xu Yun Yun Jin went to Zen's room, but he came out not long after, and went back to his own room. Afterwards, it was almost noon, and Yun Chan left the courtyard by himself. Xu Yun returned from his own He came out of the room and knocked on Chan's door, only then did he know that Chan was not in the room, and after asking the servants, he found out that Chan and his wife had left the mansion. His complexion at that time changed immediately."

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