"After walking back and forth anxiously at the door of the room for a while, Xu Yun hurried out of the courtyard, apparently wanting to go out to find Zen immediately. When he was about to reach the door of the house, it happened that his wife came back from outside, and he He quickly went up to ask his wife a few words, and then turned around and returned to the yard by himself, and he hasn't stepped out of the door since then."

"That means, besides the servant, Xu Yun only saw his wife today?" Feng Yu frowned.

The dark guard nodded, "Yes."

"Then are you really sure that after Xu Yun returned to the room, he has been in the room all the time, and he didn't go out quietly by himself?" Feng Yu asked again, confirming again.

"Yes, I have been in the room all the time, I never went out quietly by myself, the subordinates are very sure. In addition, in Xuyun's room, there is always the sound of knocking wooden fish, the sound has not changed or stopped. "The dark guard answered without hesitation, and his tone was quite certain.

When Feng Yu heard this, she looked at Xin Moge and Xin Haoyan.

Xin Moge called the other hidden guards inside and outside Yan Shou Mansion to come over and ask them face to face.

The other hidden guards who came also had the same tone, they were all very sure that Xu Yun had never gone out today.

"Okay, you all go down first." Feng Yu signaled the hidden guards to retreat.

The hidden guards bowed their hands and retreated one by one.

In an instant, only Feng Yu, Xin Moge, Xin Haoyan, and Xu Yun, who fell to the ground and died, were left in the room again.

Feng Yu began to look around the room, even though the dark guard was so sure that Xu Yun had never left the room, she still wanted to see if there was anything strange in the room, or more precisely, wanted to see the room. Is there any secret passages such as secret passages in the house, I want to see if Xuyun goes out through the secret passages, and at the same time, people come in stealthily, creating the illusion that he is still in the room.

However, this possibility is not great.

This used to be the Feng Mansion, and it was completely arbitrarily arranged for Liao Chan and Xu Yun to live in this courtyard at that time, not because they were specially transferred here, it is impossible for someone to tamper with here earlier.Back then, when Feng Yufeng was there, it was impossible to tamper with such a room where guests were often accommodated.

For a moment, the whole room fell into dead silence unconsciously, and no one spoke.

Xin Moge and Xin Haoyan also looked around the room.

After half a sound—

Xin Moge withdrew his gaze, looked at Xin Haoyan and said, "It's getting late, Father, you should go back and rest first, I will investigate the rest."

Xin Haoyan was silent for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I'll leave this place to you, and the cliff outside the city. If you find anything, please let me know immediately. I have to find out about this matter."

After speaking, Xin Haoyan took one last look at the dead Xu Yun on the ground, and walked out.

After Xin Haoyan left, Feng Yu walked back to Xin Moge's side, and asked Xin Moge in a low voice: "What do you think about this matter?"

Xin Moge squinted his eyes and looked at Xuyun's corpse on the ground, "Since he is Cang Yueyu's man, then this matter must have something to do with Cang Yueyu. Neng suddenly ordered Zen to commit suicide, and he was insane. Unknowingly, he passed the news to Xu Yun who had not stepped out of the mansion, causing Xu Yun to commit suicide as well, this person is really good at tricks."

When Feng Yu heard what Xin Moge said, the first thing that came to Feng Yu's mind was Shangguan Feihong.

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