"Then son, do we really want to stay here forever?" Yang Xufan couldn't help frowning, they were also under house arrest.And, more importantly, life is always in the hands of others.If Xin Moge suddenly wants to get rid of them one day, he can do it at any time, their situation is really bad, and they must not go on like this for a long time.

How could Fan Yinqing not understand this point, but he was still more stable than Yang Xufan, and said calmly: "Wait and see the changes for a while before we talk about it."

Yang Xufan still wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it down, but he had already made a decision in his heart.


into the night—

Night fell quietly as usual.

After Fan Yinqing had dinner, she ordered her maid to bring hot water into the room, and she wanted to take a bath.

In this Shizi's mansion, although it is like house arrest, the maidservant is still very considerate, but there is no freedom.Fan Yinqing has to take a bath every other day, and every day in summer. This is her habit, and it is the same here.

The maid quickly brought hot water in.

Fan Yinqing didn't need anyone to wait on her when she was taking a bath, so she asked the maid to leave and closed the door.

Curly energy continuously emanates from the bathtub behind the screen, unconsciously filling the whole room.

Fan Yinqing took off his clothes and hung them on the screen, stepped into the tub, still thinking about what Yang Xufan said during the day, and couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Time passed unknowingly.In the silence, suddenly, a slight sound came from outside the closed window, and a black shadow flashed across.

Fan Yinqing regained consciousness in an instant, couldn't help being slightly startled, and quickly stood up to put on her clothes.

At this time, the closed window was pushed open, and the black shadow that flashed outside flashed in through the window in an instant.

Fan Yinqing, who had just stood up, did not expect at all that there was no time to put on his clothes, or even put on his clothes, and hurried down and sat back in the water of the bathtub with a "bang", blocking his body with one hand, and his whole body was exposed. tall, squinting at the person who came in.

The person who came in was none other than Fan Yinqing who was still thinking about what he had said during the day——Yang Xufan.

Yang Xufan didn't expect that Fan Yinqing was taking a bath in the room, but it didn't matter, he quickly moved his eyes away from Fan Yinqing's face, and then spoke quickly.

"My lord, I just went out quietly by myself. I visited the 'Changyang Gate' at night and met King Fan," Yang Xufan took out a dark green ring and jade ring from the lapel of his chest, and Stepping up and approaching Fan Yinqing in the tub, he handed the jade ring to Fan Yinqing while walking, and continued: "This is the jade ring that King Fan gave to me just now, let me hand it over to you, Prince Fan. King Fan said, Let Shizi find a way to save him as soon as possible, he will leave the capital."

"Okay, I see. You go outside the screen and wait first." Fan Yinqing hurriedly stopped Yang Xufan who was approaching, so that Yang Xufan could not see that she was a woman.

Yang Xufan was taken aback for a moment, and only belatedly realized that Fan Yinqing seemed a little nervous at the moment.However, Yang Xufan didn't think about other aspects, nor did he look randomly at Fan Yinqing. He nodded and walked out of the screen to the outside.

Fan Yinqing in the tub couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, only to find that the water in the tub had already cooled down, which meant that she had been sitting in the tub for a long time.

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