After a while, the well-dressed Fan Yinqing came out from behind the screen. Yang Xufan almost knew that she was a daughter just now.

Yang Xufan immediately passed the jade ring in his hand to Fan Yinqing.

Fan Yinqing stretched out her hand to take it, she recognized the jade ring, it really belonged to her father King Fan, and King Fan almost never left his body.It seems that what Yang Xufan just said is true, he really went to "Changyangmen".However, he went out so easily and came back again, Fan Yinqing frowned slightly, and felt something was wrong, after thinking about it, he asked Yang Xufan: "You were not noticed when you went out and when you came in? "

Yang Xufan nodded, "No, no one found out."

Fan Yinqing intuitively felt that it was impossible.

Yang Xufan continued: "My lord, the guards here are not as strict as imagined, we can go out quietly, you were too careful before."

Fan Yinqing didn't speak, but slowly rubbed the jade ring in his hand with his fingertips.Was it really that the guards were lax, or did Xin Moge let Yang Xufan out on purpose, trying to test them out?Xin Moge is too deep and unfathomable, and everything is often in his hands.If he really wanted to test, if he knew that they wanted to escape, what would happen to him?

"My lord, why are you still hesitating?" Yang Xufan couldn't help urging in a low voice.

Fan Yinqing still didn't speak, this matter must be considered in the long term and be cautious.


At the same moment, on the other side, in the brightly lit hall, a hidden guard was whispering to Xin Moge, "My lord, we will let Yang Xufan go out according to your order. He has already met King Fan at the Changyang Gate. I have already returned, and as soon as I came back, I went into Fan Shizi's room."

"Well, I know, I will still do it in the future." Xin Moge replied blankly.

"Yes, this subordinate understands." The dark guard cupped his hands, turned and went down.

Feng Yu, who was sitting by the side, did not speak during this process, until after the hidden guard went down, she looked sideways at Xin Moge, "Do you want to test Fan Yinqing and the princes?"

"It's a must. If they always keep their own place, I will keep them. But if they are restless and want to die, I will not stop them." Right now, the situation in the world is basically stable, and he will never allow anyone Disruptive factors exist.

Feng Yu nodded and didn't speak any more, thinking again about how to find the concubine named "Shui" who seemed to have evaporated in the world.

After another month, the situation in the world has completely stabilized, and everything is on the right track.With all the power in his hands, Xin Moge began to vigorously promote and select his cronies to enter the court and take charge of various important positions in the court.Cang Yueli, the emperor, was completely emptied, existing only as a puppet.

During this period, Cang Yueli never went to see Murong Ji.

Murong Ji's illness has already been reported.Fengyu went there once again, personally felt Murongji's pulse, and saw that Murongji was completely heartbroken and depressed. Firstly, she was unwilling to accept that the world had completely fallen into the hands of Xin Moge, which was really unacceptable. Later, because of some other things, coupled with the fact that I was under house arrest like a "prisoner", my health deteriorated day by day.

From the outside world, there are gradually many different versions about Murong Ji's condition, among which the most widely spread is—Xin Moge wants to get rid of the queen mother Murong Ji.

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