Cang Jingtian looked at it, squinting her eyes even more, she didn't expect that there are people in the world who have such lightness skills, and she didn't expect that there are such people in the hands of that woman who serve her.It seems that that woman is not simple at all.And don't need to think about it, the shadow guard sent out earlier must have missed, he underestimated that woman too much.

The next moment, Cang Jingtian gave an expressionless order, "Leave the palace."

--------------------Boundary line --------------------

Ting courtyard.

When Hua Xunse went back, Fengyu was still sitting there looking at the token, and Wanwan had already cleaned up the blood stains on the ground.

"I followed your words to the letter, the emperor really agreed to meet with you, should I go there right now?" Hua Xun Sepu opened his mouth and said as soon as he entered the room.

It's not hard to imagine the emperor's reaction after hearing those words, but it's hard to say exactly how it will be!Fengyu didn't have the ability to predict things like a god, she just said that on purpose, deliberately confessed to Hua Xunse in that way, and used a "provocative method" to make Hua Xunse speak to her as if she knew the emperor very well, as if everything With everything under control, the emperor would naturally be on guard.And the emperor is a smart man, under such circumstances, agreeing to meet is expected. He must be curious about what kind of deal a woman who "knows" him so well will negotiate with him. What kind of power will be behind the woman who will be sent back after the guard?

"Are you going there right away?" Hua Xunse asked before Fengyu could reply.

Feng Yu nodded, put the token in her sleeves, stood up, and ordered Hua Xun Se to take the corpse on the ground with her, it's not good to keep the emperor waiting for a long time!

--------------------Boundary line --------------------

Night, silence!

On the roof of the largest restaurant in the capital, "Fumanlou"——

After Fengyu waited for a while, Cang Jing arrived, and she looked similar to that "Fengyu" in her memory, majestic and tall.

That "Feng Yu" would occasionally enter the palace with Feng Yufeng to participate in some banquets held in the palace. He had seen Cang Jingtian from a distance several times, but Cang Jingtian had never seen her before, even if he did I don't care, after all, she is just a minister's daughter, insignificant.

The next moment, Feng Yu immediately spoke up, "Your Majesty, do you know why I chose to meet you here?"

Cang Jingtian did not speak, but stood with her hands behind her back, her robe and long hair billowing in the night wind, her sharp eyes calmly sizing up the slender woman in white, and the accompanying shadow guards were all hidden in the dark.

Hua Xunse stood behind Fengyu.

Feng Yu also stood with her hands behind her back, graceful and graceful, letting Cang Jingtian scrutinize her, and at the same time, she also scrutinized Cang Jingtian. The most honorable and powerful man in the world is not so easy to see, and the words he asked were not so easy to see. Without expecting Cang Jingtian's answer, she continued with a calm smile, "Because this place is the busiest and most crowded place in the city during the day, and it should not be much different at night. If the emperor wants to kill me, I don't think I can escape, but it's okay to make a certain noise, and when the time comes, it's not good for the emperor to spread the word and make it known to everyone!"

After the words fell, the atmosphere changed in vain...

Cang Jingtian narrowed her eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

"How dare you! I just want to ask the emperor to listen to my deal patiently first, and then it's not too late to think about making a move after listening." Feng Yu smiled, how could she not know that the emperor never let go of killing her.

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