"Oh? Then you should talk about it!" It is beautiful, calm, calm, intelligent, bold, and witty!But in a short while, Cang Jingtian could clearly see and feel these points from the person opposite, and couldn't help but look at him with admiration, but he didn't show it at all on his face, and no one dared to speak to him in such a tone before.And Feng Yu is like this, I don't know if that Feng Wan is also like this, that's why Cang Yueyu repeats like this?

After meeting Feng Yu across the street at this moment, Cang Jingtian couldn't help thinking this way, she was very interested in meeting that Feng Wan.

"What the emperor wants is nothing more than to preserve Prince Yu and to redeem everything that Prince Yu has caused in this matter, am I right?" Feng Yu's tone remained unchanged.

Cang Jing remained silent, and continued to quietly look at Feng Yu who was opposite her, and listened to Feng Yu's continuation.

"Killing me and my sister, and accusing my father of another crime, destroying my father and the Feng family, this is indeed a very good way. But the emperor..." After a slight pause, her tone changed in vain, Feng Yu tightened her eyes. Then he said, and what Feng Yu wanted to say and what he wanted to say was what Feng Yu wanted to say. The most difficult thing in the world to predict and grasp, Prince Yu likes my sister so much, loves my sister so much, if he becomes discouraged from now on, and even creates a estrangement with the emperor because of this, then it will be bad. This is one of them."

It's not that Cang Jingtian has never thought about this problem, but only this method can quickly, thoroughly and effectively prevent Cang Yueyu from making trouble again, "The second thing?"

"Secondly, the emperor can kill me and my sister and charge the Feng family with a crime, but I can also make arrangements in advance, write the whole thing down, and give it to a few confidantes, and tell them Immediately after the news of my death, the things I handed over to them will be announced to the public, and spread all over the world with embellishment. Emperor, tell me, when the time comes, will people in the world trust the emperor more? Or trust me more? At that time, even if all the people who believe in me add up Only one percent, one thousandth, the loser is you, the emperor! Your majesty, you are so high above, is it necessary to gamble with this? The so-called rumors, once spread, are difficult to eliminate! This is the second!"

"Is there another third?"

"The third is, if this matter becomes serious, isn't the emperor worried that some people will use it to plot evil?"

Three points, start from the beginning, go deeper step by step, clear in order, every word hits the point!After Fengyu finished speaking, she smiled and waited for Cang Jingtian to speak.

Of course, Cang Jingtian had thought about all the things the person on the other side said, but, again, only this method can quickly, thoroughly and effectively prevent Cang Yueyu from causing trouble again. People can take precautions in advance.However, there is a saying that is good, it is hard to guard against.At that time, it is not difficult to imagine that there will be some passiveness.

After a long time, Cang Jingtian's face remained unchanged, "Then tell me, what can you do to achieve both?"

"I can become a monk! Of course, there is also my sister. This can also cut off Prince Yu's thoughts in one fell swoop. What does the emperor think?"

For Fengyu, this is just a tactic to delay the attack, to retreat as an advance, just to use this to recuperate, hide one's strength and bide one's time, and can successfully withdraw from the current situation. The third reason is to avoid Feng Yufeng who wants her to marry Yu Different, kill three birds with one stone.

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