Feng Yu realized that she was impolite, and quickly imitated the people in the world and bowed her hands generously, and said with a smile: "Young master, don't misunderstand, I was just saved by the feat of saving people just now..."

"A feat? It's just a matter of little effort. The young master is too serious." Xin Huanli was amused by Feng Yu's words, interrupted Feng Yu with a smile, and then asked, "I don't know your surname?"

"My surname... my surname is 'Yu', and the single name is the word 'Feng', Yu Feng." Feng Yu's eyes turned quickly, and she reversed her name, taking the homophonic word, and then coming and going without being indecent. He asked the man on the opposite side, "Then I don't know your surname?"

"My surname is Xin, Xin Huanli." Xin Huanli smiled and said his name calmly.

Surname "Xin"?In this Anding city, could it be someone from Prince Xin's mansion?I heard that there are two young masters in Prince Xin's mansion, judging by the age of the person opposite, it is indeed possible that they are the second sons of Prince Xin's mansion.Feng Yu was thinking in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face, she smiled and said: "So it's 'Mr. Xin', it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Master Yu is not from this city, but he came to play in this city?" Xin Huanli took a step closer.

Feng Yu nodded, and said calmly as her eyes flashed: "I like to travel around alone. I happened to pass by Anding City in the past two days. I heard that the son of Prince Xin's Mansion married Princess Huaning today, so I stayed to watch the grand occasion. I don't want to..." The following words are automatically omitted, I believe that everyone in the city knows it at this moment, so there is no need to say more.

"I don't want such a big incident to happen." Xin Huanli smiled lightly and continued, looking sideways at the lake in front of him.At this moment in the mansion, Xin Moge stayed in the "Bamboo Garden" and did not come out, Xin Haoyan looked ugly, Xie Wanting was chattering non-stop, there was nothing to stay, so he came out.In fact, he never thought about wanting the position of the eldest son. It was Xie Wanting who wanted him to sit all the time. He didn't agree with her, but he knew it was useless to say it. It would only make Xie Wanting talk endlessly. , the roots of the ears cannot be clean.If possible, he just wanted to leave Prince Xin's mansion, leave Anding City, and travel around.

"Yeah, I don't want such a big incident to happen, and I don't know how the emperor will punish him." Feng Yu said with a casual tone and smiled.

"Are you very concerned?" Xin Huanli raised his eyebrows, then turned his head to look at Fengyu.The other party looked at most fifteen or sixteen years old, much younger than him, with a delicate face like a girl's white and tender, clean, with a beautiful smile, as clear as water in a lake, and her figure was a little too big. Thin.

"That's not true. It's just that we met each other. I'm inevitably a little curious. I don't want Mr. Xin to be so bold. He even took the girl to have fun in the pavilion on the eve of their marriage." Feng Yu said without changing her tone, quietly trying to test her. The views of the people in Prince Xin's mansion on this matter.

Xin Huanli smiled, but didn't answer.

At this time, the sky that was unknowingly covered by dark clouds suddenly began to drizzle without warning.

The people on the street immediately dispersed like birds and birds, and the vendors on the street immediately packed up their stalls and left.

"It's raining, I wonder if my lord is interested in sitting in a restaurant and having a drink together?" Xin Huanli didn't want to go back to the house, didn't want to go back and listen to Xie Wanting's nagging, and then dragged him to say "the position of the son" or something, He casually invited Feng Yu to talk, and felt like old friends at first sight with Feng Yu, for some reason.

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