Feng Yu didn't refuse, anyway, she couldn't sleep when she went back, so she readily agreed: "Okay, we hit it off with Brother Xin, and sit down and have a good drink."

Inside the restaurant, the private room on the second floor is quiet, brightly lit, and the window faces the lake.

The waiter in the shop quickly delivered a pot of wine and a few stacks of food and drink. Obviously, he knew Xin Huanli, and his expression was very respectful. "Second son, please take it slowly. If you have something to do, call the younger one, and the younger one will come right away." , turned around and backed out, and closed the door behind him.

Feng Yu looked sideways out of the window, and the pattering rain hit the surface of the lake.

Xin Huanli poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down. Under the candlelight, he could see the person opposite him more clearly. He had never seen such a handsome young man. His skin was whiter and more delicate than that of a woman. You can travel around like this." There was a little envy in the voice.

"Why not, it just depends on whether you can let go of the troubles around you." Feng Yu said with a smile

"Some things are not so easy to let go." Xin Huanli's eyes fell out of the window like Feng Yu's, and he sighed a little.

"Let's not talk about that, meeting is fate. Let me offer you a glass to Mr. Xin." In modern times, Feng Yu's drinking capacity is not bad, and she would occasionally go out to drink with friends.

"Okay, I will also respect the young master."

Time passed quickly while talking and drinking, and Feng Yu and Xin Huanli had a very happy chat.


At the end of the moon, Feng Yu, who was slightly drunk, got up to bid farewell and leave.

Early the next morning, Feng Yu in the inn room was woken up by the cries of hawkers on the street outside the window. She had a headache and woke up after rubbing her forehead.

After breakfast, Feng Yu stayed in the room to rest. This morning, she asked the waiter at the inn to find out that the second son of Prince Xin's Mansion is indeed called Xin Huanli, which means that the person she met last night was indeed Xin Moge, the eldest son of Prince Xin's Mansion. younger brother.Returning from An Ding City to the capital, and then delivered the decree to Anding City, the time is almost up, Feng Yu is waiting to hear the result.

It's noon!

Feng Yu was sitting in the private room of the restaurant where she had lunch yesterday, paying attention to the situation downstairs while eating.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of horseshoes, and a group of people came from the end of the street and drove past the street. They looked like guards in the palace. purpose.

Feng Yu hurriedly looked down, tapping the edge of the table lightly with her fingertips.

Seeing this, the passers-by on the street flocked to the direction of Prince Xin's mansion, wanting to see what imperial edict the emperor would issue, and how the emperor would deal with Xin Moge.

After about two sticks of incense, a carriage passed by the street below the restaurant, and the front and back were the guards who came to pass the decree just now.

Feng Yu called out the shop waiter to come in.

"Xiao Er, what happened?" Feng Yu pointed to what happened below.

"The guest officer doesn't know, just now the emperor sent someone to pass the imperial decree to escort the prince back to Beijing, but he still doesn't know how to convict him." The waiter replied.

"Do you think the emperor will kill the son of Prince Xin's mansion?" Feng Yu asked casually.

"This...it's hard to say about the small ones. Guest officer, please use it slowly, and the small ones go to greet other customers." The waiter smiled, turned around and went down.

The carriage is very tight, and you can't see what's going on inside the carriage at all. Feng Yu sat by the window and watched the carriage go all the way. Suddenly, the face she saw in the pavilion that night and the pair of dull but equally sharp eyes flashed across her mind. Eyes, I always feel that this son of Prince Xin's Mansion is not an idle generation.

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