The stalemate unfolded in the cabin...

Cang Yueyu stared closely at Feng Yu's face and eyes, trying to find a trace of lying from Feng Yu's face and eyes.

After a while, Cang Yueyu, who had nothing to gain, didn't dare to take any risks. Just in case, he immediately ordered to the boatman at the bow with a dark face, "Let's go back to Beijing!" Then he said to Fengyu, "You I will save your life for now, and when I get to the capital, if I don't see that person, or if someone else finds out about this matter, I will be the first to kill your father."

Feng Yu smiled and did not speak, with a noncommittal expression on her face, she glanced outside the cabin from the corner of her eye.

A group of men in black are all highly skilled in martial arts and well-trained.

The boatman took the command, and as soon as the oars were pushed, the boat speeded up to the wider and wider downstream, and instantly distanced itself from the luxurious ship.

Looking at it, Lai Yang immediately lost interest, and didn't want to continue entanglement with a group of men in black. With a wave of her backhand, she spilled a bag of black powder, and at the same time, she flew straight to catch up with the boat that was sailing away. slipped away under his nose.

After the man in black inhaled the poisonous powder spilled by Lai Yang, he immediately cried out in pain, "Plop", "Putong" and fell into the river.

In the cabin, Cang Yueyu, who decided not to kill Fengyu for the time being but to bring Fengyu back to the capital, prepared to touch the acupoints on Fengyu's body, and let Fengyu stay peacefully.

Feng Yu has been keeping an eye on the situation outside the cabin, wanting to see which side will win, Lai Yang or the man in black.Seeing Lao Yang flying in pursuit, her red lips hooked faintly, taking advantage of Cang Yueyu's unpreparedness, Feng Yu suddenly took a quick step forward, and wrapped her arms around Cang Yueyu's with the hand that was not held by Cang Yueyu. Neck, kissing Cang Yueyu's face, said with a smile: "This time is really risky, but fortunately I finally got the antidote, my sister is fine. Yu, the scene in the Poison King's Valley, Are you satisfied with my acting skills? I always say that Lai Yang is a stupid fool, you definitely can’t see it, you are worrying too much. Yu, when I jumped off the cliff, you know that I am really not afraid at all, Because I know that you said that you will not let me have anything, so it will be fine. Yesterday, I was already your person, I am so happy, and I will marry you with my sister in the future. Today I brought Lai Yang here and set up an ambush to kill me. Him, are you calm now?"

Feng Yu finished a series of words in one breath.And even though he said the words to Cang Yueyu, his peripheral vision kept falling on Lao Yang who was flying over.

She said these words on purpose for Lao Yang!Everything he did was done on purpose for Lao Yang to see!

In a corner where no one was looking, Feng Yu slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

Although separated by a certain distance, Lai Yang has high martial arts skills and profound inner strength, and she can hear every word clearly. The scene of Feng Yu kissing Cang Yueyu is even more clear, and her heart can't rest. Everything that happened in Wanggu was just a play performed by the two people in front. No wonder Feng Yu jumped off the cliff and was safe. No wonder she searched almost the entire Anding City yesterday and couldn't find Feng Yu. No wonder Fengyu and Cang Yueyu appeared here together today, and set up an ambush to lure him.Good, good, good Cang Yueyu, good Feng Yu, no one has ever dared to tease him like this!Lai Yang slapped him suddenly, she was already dazzled by anger, and she didn't have time to calmly think about the contradictions and unreasonable points between what Feng Yu said and what happened in the cabin that she saw with her own eyes earlier!

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