Cang Yueyu didn't expect Feng Yu to do this at all, unexpectedly Feng Yu would say such words, she was stunned, unable to react, she froze in mid-air with her hand that was about to touch Feng Yu's acupoints.

Of course, Feng Yu would not foolishly think that she could deceive Lai Yang by doing this, but as long as she was deceived, it would be enough for her to become angry for a while, and immediately let go of Cang Yueyu, and skillfully and flexibly pulled out the penis held by Cang Yueyu. With just one hand, he pushed Cang Yueyu forcefully to block Lao Yang's oncoming palm.All the movements are done in one go, so fast that no one can see clearly.

"My lord, be careful!" The boatman exclaimed, his expression changed, and he stepped forward quickly.

Cang Yueyu suddenly came back to his senses amid the boatman's exclamation, and hurriedly retreated, and he flew out of the cabin, standing on the surface of the gurgling river.

Missing a palm, Lao Yang immediately flipped and stood on the surface of the gurgling river, facing Cang Yueyu on the opposite side.

The boatman couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, his back was covered in cold sweat, and he was glad that Cang Yueyu escaped Lao Yang's palm.

Feng Yu hurried out of the cabin and asked loudly, "Yu, are you alright?"

Feng Yu's concern was like adding fuel to the fire, and Lai Yang became even more angry, a fire was burning in her heart, a fire that had been played by someone, "Cang Yueyu, do you think you can kill me? I want to see Let's see who can leave here alive today."

Being tricked by Feng Yu, I didn't expect Feng Yu to come up with this move, explaining it was obviously useless, and besides, he was about to kill Lai Yang, so as to avoid future troubles, Cang Yue Yu coldly glanced at the man who was standing at the stern of the boat looking at him. After Feng Yu, she sneered and turned to the murderous Lai Yang on the opposite side, "Really, then I want to see it too." The black eyes also flashed murderous intent, and the white robe and long black hair billowed in the cold wind.

The sound fell, and the two shot at the same time!

"Yu, you said that today you will definitely kill Lai Yang. I will take a step first and wait for you to come back with Lai Yang's head on the shore." The goal has been achieved, and if you don't leave now, let's wait, Feng Yu shouted loudly. , then turned around and entered the cabin, looked at the boatman who turned around with a smile, played with the golden hairpin in his hand unhurriedly under the boatman's gaze, and then suddenly pressed the golden hairpin against his neck without warning. With a half-smile, he threatened: "Row the boat right away, otherwise, I don't guarantee that this hairpin will go down. You know, if I go back to the capital with Cang Yueyu like this, I will only be imprisoned by him. When he kills me, I will join you." After that person, the only thing waiting for me is death, so I might as well die now. At that time, everything Cang Yueyu has done will be spread and spread to the streets and alleys. Tell me, what will happen then? ?”

Hearing this, the boatman glared angrily, and his hands under his sleeves clenched into fists, making a rattling noise.

The boat continued to go straight down along the water flow without anyone gliding and no one stopping the pole to stop it.

Feng Yu pursed her lips and smiled, and gradually loosened the golden hairpin in her hand a little bit.The boatman keenly seized this opportunity, and immediately flew forward, ready to touch Feng Yu's acupoints, and then row the boat back.

Feng Yu secretly smiled, and the moment the boatman flew forward, her right hand grabbed the boatman's wrist with a backhand, and her left hand suddenly slashed at the back of the boatman's neck.

Only then did the boatman realize that he had been fooled, but it was too late to back off. Suddenly his eyes went dark, and he fell down with a "bang".

Feng Yu clapped her hands and walked out of the cabin with a smile.One person and one boat, with fluttering clothes, go away lightly.

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