Seeing that several people were so persistent, Fengyu felt helpless for a while, so she left the two of them in the room to take care of the unconscious Duguqiong, and took the rest of the people to the restaurant for dinner.

The wine shops on the border are different from the general wine shops in small towns and small towns in terms of the overall layout and the wine, meat and food inside, especially the wine, which is very strong.

After Feng Yu went in and sat down, she asked someone to buy two meals and send them back to the two people in the inn who were guarding Dugu Qiong, and the rest of the people sat at two separate tables.

The waiter in the shop was very enthusiastic, and immediately ran forward, poured tea skillfully, and asked "what do you want to eat" with a smile on his face.

Feng Yu sat at a table by herself, so she ordered a few dishes at random, and asked the people at the other two tables to order more.

The shop waiter wrote down all the dishes one by one, and quickly delivered the meals, and had already packed two meals in the food box.

One got up and sent the food box back to the inn first, and the rest started to move their chopsticks under Feng Yu's order.

Feng Yu also started to eat, and while eating, casually looked at the people in the restaurant.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and Feng Yu and his group accounted for almost half of them. They were chatting and chatting. Occasionally, some people would look at Feng Yu and the group, as if they were curious about the origin of Feng Yu and the group.

At this moment, Feng Yu was dressed in white, with her long hair tied on top of her head, dressed like a man.

After a while, the person who had just returned to deliver food to the two people in the inn came back and whispered something to Feng Yu.

After Feng Yu heard this, her complexion sank, but she quickly recovered, and asked those who came back to sit down and eat first.

The person who came back nodded, turned around and sat down at the table next to him.


That night--

In the inn room, Feng Yu was standing by the open window with her hands behind her back.

When she was at the restaurant in the afternoon, the person who came back told her that Zhuo Yizi had just received the letter from Fei Ge, and Zhuo Yizi had spread the news of her coming to the border.

Right now, Zhuo Yizi has been arrested by people sent by Xin Moge and secretly imprisoned. Xin Moge will not hurt Zhuo Yizi for the time being.In addition, Xin Moge told her to be careful in everything, and it was best to go back as soon as possible. Although Cang Yueyu couldn't get away and came to the border, the border was all his people.

Feng Yu pursed her lips.

After a while, Feng Yu thought about it again and again, and decided to leave the border overnight, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

The few people Xin Moge sent around Feng Yu were all pretty good at it.

The group immediately packed their luggage and left overnight.

Under the city tower outside the border, the city gate was closed tightly, and the wall was two or three feet high, but it was difficult for a few people. Feng Yu flew up to the tower first, and then flew out from the tower.The four people carried the soft sedan chair, and the unconscious Dugu Qiong sat on the soft sedan chair, and easily flew up the tower, not to mention the others, and the group quickly disappeared under the night.

In the early morning of the next day, in the land beyond the Great Wall, Feng Yu quickly found the medicine "Silve Grass".

In the afternoon, Dugu Qiong woke up.

Afterwards, Fengyu, Duguqiong, and the accompanying group stayed temporarily in the small village outside the Great Wall, and went back immediately after Duguqiong's body fully recovered.

The small villages outside the Great Wall are mainly nomadic, because it is inconvenient for a large number of cattle and sheep to drive in and out at the gate of the city every day, but it is not safe to stay outside without guards, so some people moved out to live outside over time. , and gradually established a small village.

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