At night, in the courtyard of one of the villagers, except for Dugu Qiong, everyone sat around the fire in the middle, on which a big fat sheep was roasting.This sheep was bought at the home of the villager where he lived temporarily.

Some other people in the village like to join in the fun, and they gathered around to watch, especially the half-old children.

Fengyu likes children very much, especially now that she is pregnant, she just feels that every child is very cute, and she can't help but want to tell Xin Moge as soon as she gets back, and let Xin Moge know.

After a while, the whole lamb was finally roasted completely, and the tempting aroma continued to permeate the air.

Feng Yu got up, shared a lamb leg, and personally sent it to Dugu Qiong in the room to eat, and left the rest for others to share, and by the way, shared some with the children.

I saw that the children who have been running around in a circle have already gathered around at this moment, all salivating, but they dare not go forward.Although every villager has a lot of cattle and sheep in their homes, most of them are sold in the city, and few of them know how to eat them.

In the simple room, a small candle was burning, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the words "house with bare walls".Dugu Qiong was sitting alone at the table drinking wine, the bandages wrapped around his hands had already been removed by himself, and they were thrown on the ground beside the table.There were already two wine jars on the table, and there was a smell of alcohol in the air.

"Master, you just woke up, stop drinking, it's bad for your health." Feng Yu walked over, put down the leg of lamb, and sat down opposite Dugu Qiong.

"I'm fine." Dugu Qiong didn't listen to Feng Yu's persuasion, and continued to immerse himself in drinking.

When Feng Yu heard this, she carefully noticed from the corner of her eye that the wounds on Dugu Qiong's hands were open and blood was seeping out continuously, so she said again: "Master, I think Miss Zhuo was just confused for a while, maybe it's already gone by now." If you regret it, don’t worry too much about it, let’s take care of your body first.”

Duguqiong laughed, "Confused for a while? I think she is very sober. Forget it..."

"Since the master said it's fine, don't be disappointed anymore, and don't drink any more. Let's eat some leg of lamb first. It's just roasted and it's still hot."

Duguqiong didn't make a move, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I've already thought it through very clearly, I won't go back, what happens to her in the future has nothing to do with me. For my sake, if you can take care of her, just take care of her." Take care of her."

Feng Yu was a little surprised, she didn't expect Dugu Qiong to make such a decision suddenly, and hurriedly said: "But, Master..."

"I know what you want to say. You want me to go back and heal his eyes. However, I don't have to take action on this matter. You can do it too. I will tell you what to do and what to pay attention to in the next few days. What is the result? , It's up to you. I've made a decision, and I won't change it." Dugu Qiong interrupted Feng Yu directly, without any room for consideration.

Feng Yu listened, then looked at the expression on Dugu Qiong's face, knowing that the matter could not be changed, she could only nod her head slightly.


The yard outside the room was still very lively, the fire was still burning, and the villagers and children hadn't dispersed yet.

After Fengyu talked with Duguqiong for a while in the room, she came out alone.

The children liked Feng Yu very much, and immediately surrounded her.

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