She had seen this kind of plague in the medical book that Dugu Qiong gave her.In addition, from the side notes of the medical book and the experience written by Duguqiong himself, Feng Yu knew that Duguqiong had been researching this kind of plague all these years.

Feng Yu took a step forward, wanting to have a closer look.

The person hiding in the grass immediately backed away in fright, his face and eyes were full of fear and fear.

Feng Yu looked at it, and quickly stopped walking forward, and said, "Don't be afraid, let me see, I won't hurt you, I'm a doctor."

"I... what we are suffering from is the plague... the plague." One of them stammered and whispered back, not wanting Fengyu to get close, and not wanting to infect others.

When Feng Yu heard this, a trace of thought flashed across her eyebrows, and she immediately began to think about how to solve the current plague.Over the years, although Dugu Qiong has been researching on the plague and has written several experiences, he has never actually implemented it.

In other words, that is to say, those written in Duguqiong's medical books are all just on paper, and he has not actually used them.

The people hiding in the grass immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy. They had just escaped from the village.In the village where they lived, almost all the people in the village were infected with this plague in less than half a month.After the government found out, they directly sent officers and soldiers to block the only way out of the village, planning to set fire to the entire village in the next few days, and burn all the people in the village, including chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, etc., in order not to spread the plague.A few of them didn't want to die, so they sneaked up the mountain and ran out.Once they are discovered, I believe everyone will kill them immediately, "Please...please let us go...I...we will hide in the mountains, and we will...not come out in the future, and we will not... The plague spread..."

"Don't be afraid, as I said, I will not hurt you, I am a doctor. Let me think about it, I may have a way to cure the plague on you."

"Can... be cured?" The few people hiding in the grass couldn't believe it. There has never been a precedent for the plague to be cured in history.

Feng Yu nodded, quickly reviewing the few thoughts written by Duguqiong in her mind.

Standing aside, Yu Yun looked at the people in the grass, then at Feng Yu, and said, "Why don't I send a letter to Qin Hua to come here? However, he has returned to Shenlu Valley now. It takes at least six or seven days to come here from Shenlu Valley."

"Six or seven days is too long, too late."

Feng Yu shook her head, and after thinking about it quickly in her mind, she ordered someone to find all the medicines according to her prescription immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yu asked all the people in the grass to go to the ruined temple and let them light a fire in the ruined temple. She wanted to check carefully before deciding on the final medicine.


In the ruined temple, the fire was quickly lit.

A few people curled up in the corner of the ruined temple, still trembling all over, still very scared.

The cry of the baby sounded at this moment, piercing the night.

Feng Yu walked over, "Let me see."

The woman holding the baby stared at Feng Yu for a long time before handing the baby to Feng Yu tremblingly.

The child is still very small, only a few months old at most, and has almost no weight at all.

After Fengyu took it with both hands, she checked it quickly.

Yu Yun stood aside and watched.


To reiterate, this article is updated every day, and it is not finished. Some relatives saw the word "Complete" marked in this article. It may be because of a small problem on the page, so don't worry about it.

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