After about an hour or so, the people who went out to look for medicines found all the herbs that Feng Yu asked for, and they were all good.

In Feng Yu's mind, she had already made up her mind. After receiving the herbal medicine, she quickly prepared the medicine, and then ordered someone to decoct it. Let the youngest and strongest of several people take it first, because he was young and strong, and his physical condition and other aspects were relatively weak. better than others.

In addition, if something happens, Feng Yu will treat her in time, and the result will be much better than others.

The youngest and strongest man gritted his teeth, and after glancing at the others, he resolutely swallowed the whole bowl of medicine, leaving not a single drop.

The others watched, each with their eyes wide open, waiting expectantly and nervously for the result...

The next morning, the sky turned white.

Feng Yu, who watched over the person who took the medicine for a whole night, was delighted to find that the lumps on the person who took the medicine were obviously much smaller.Afterwards, after taking a pulse, Feng Yu was even more delighted to find that the pulse of the person who took the medicine showed obvious signs of improvement.Apparently, the medicine she prescribed was working.

The others woke up in a daze, and rushed forward one after another, feeling unspeakable joy in their hearts, and then began to scramble to take the medicine.

After everyone finished taking the medicine, one of them suddenly knelt down to Feng Yu and begged, "My lord, are so skilled in medicine that you can heal us. Please show mercy and heal the people in our village too." Right. They...they will be burned alive by the government soon." At this point, the kneeling man couldn't help crying.

When the others heard the words, they also knelt down, kowtowed to Fengyu, and begged Fengyu to save the people in their village, "My lord, please..."

Fengyu couldn't bear it, she nodded without thinking too much, she didn't care about the delay, saving people was the most important thing.

----------Boundary line----------

Led by those infected with the plague, Feng Yu, Yu Jun, Yu Mo and a group of people soon arrived at the village.When they arrived, people from the government were setting fire, and the village was full of wailing and crying.

Feng Yu frowned, and immediately ordered the group of people behind her to stop them, they must stop those officials immediately.

Yu Yun was silent all the way, and never thought that Feng Yu could cure the plague.Even if Qin Hua was here, I'm afraid he couldn't be healed so quickly and effectively.Among them, is it because Feng Yu is so talented that after learning from Qin Hua in just a few months, she has become better than blue, or is there something else that he doesn't know about?

I have to say that since this meeting, Feng Yu has surprised him everywhere, first in martial arts, now in medical skills.

Yu Mo looked at it, and said to Yun, "My lord, why don't I go and have a look too?"

"Yeah." Yuu nodded.Although he is not involved in the officialdom, he has a lot of contacts. With Yu Mo who has been following him all the time, the situation will be easier to deal with.

Not far from the village, two horsemen heading towards the village suddenly reined in and stopped.

"Miss, I heard that there is a plague ahead, so let's not go."

"I've said it many times, don't call me 'Miss' outside, but call me 'Master'. Now, I've already come, if you want to go back, go back by yourself." After speaking, Su Ran, who was dressed in men's clothes in Tsing Yi, As soon as he raised his whip, he went straight to the village.

The maid Su Ke hastily rode her horse to follow.

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