"In the future, if you need anything, just order the servants to prepare it. Whatever you want to eat, let the servants do it..." Xie Wanting finished giving orders to the mother on the other side, and Xin Haoyan began to talk to Fengyu from here. It is not difficult to see that Xin Haoyan I am very happy that Fengyu has a child.

Feng Yu listened carefully, nodded with a smile from time to time, and said "yes" from time to time, and finally excused "I'm a little tired", got up and left first.

Xie Wanting obviously hesitated after Feng Yu stepped back, and said to Xin Haoyan: "My lord, the Queen Mother bestowed Princess Huayu to marry the crown prince, obviously to win over the crown prince. But now, my lord, you are on the side of the crown prince. If the crown prince is too It's not good to be influenced by the princess, besides, the princess is still pregnant now."

"Then what do you mean?" Xin Haoyan asked indifferently, showing no emotion.

"Look, do you want to take this time to take a concubine for the son? The princess is pregnant and cannot have sex. If you accept a concubine for the son at this time, even if the queen mother and the emperor know about it, they won't say anything. Besides, it can spread more branches and leaves for Xin Wangfu." Xie Wanting looked at Xin Haoyan's face and said tentatively.If Xin Haoyan's consent can be successfully obtained, this matter can be done in a legitimate manner without so much trouble.

Xin Haoyan smiled coldly, "You are really considerate." After speaking, put down the teacup in his hand, Xin Haoyan got up and left.

Xie Wanting froze in place, unable to react for a moment as she watched Xin Haoyan leave without looking back.For so many years, he and Xin Haoyan can be regarded as "getting along day and night", but at this moment, he couldn't tell whether Xin Haoyan's words and expression just now were "agree" or "disagree".

No matter how fiercely Cang Yueli and Cang Jingtian fought outside, Xie Wanting only cared about the affairs in Prince Xin's mansion, only caring about the position of "son of the throne" and "princess of Prince Xin's mansion".For Xin Haoyan, Xie Wanting is still very confident. The crown prince Cang Yueli is the best to win. Even if the emperor Cang Jingtian wins unfortunately, it will not be so easy to shake the position of Prince Xin's mansion.

As for Xin Huanli, it is natural that he must be found as soon as possible, and his relatives must also be married.

Xie Wanting never thought that her own son, whom she raised since she was a child, would be so disobedient to her, and even left without a word.


When Feng Yu returned to the "Bamboo Garden", she saw Mother Fang and all the maidservants standing outside the door tremblingly.

Those court ladies who followed Feng Yu when she married were also standing outside the door.

Feng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and walked over with some doubts.

Seeing Fengyu coming back, Mother Fang hurried forward to meet her, and whispered: "Princess, my son won't let slaves wait to carry things."

When Feng Yu heard this, the corners of her lips twitched imperceptibly, and said lightly: "I see, you all go down first, I will call you if something happens."

Mother Fang was a little unwilling, but she had no choice but to bow and retreat for a while.

Others also retreated.


In a quiet room, Feng Yu walked in, and saw Xin Moge sitting alone at the table drinking tea. The bright sunlight slanted into the room through the open doors and windows, and fell on his spotless snow-white sleeves and hem. It seems to be plated with a layer of light gold, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

"She said, you agreed?" Xin Moge opened his mouth when he heard footsteps, knowing that the person who came in was Feng Yu, and his tone was obviously not good.

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