Of course Fengyu knew who the "she" Xin Moge was referring to was.

She is still angry in her heart, who said she is happy?She was just because Xin Haoyan was there at the time, and Xin Haoyan said that. Considering the relationship between him and Xin Haoyan, she was a little uncomfortable to refute.Besides, she couldn't let her say to her face that she insisted on sharing the bed with Xin Moge every day, right?Xie Wanting took the opportunity to order Mother Fang to come over.

"You agree?" Xin Moge asked again without hearing Feng Yu's answer, and his tone became more and more difficult.

Feng Yu heard Xin Moge's almost questioning tone, and then looked at the expression on Xin Moge's face, suddenly her mood changed for no reason, her eyes flashed, she couldn't help but pursed her lips, and said with a hidden smile, "Actually, That's good too, lest I 'accidentally' hurt the child in my belly."

"I know how to measure, nothing will happen." Xin Moge naturally thought of what happened in the morning, and his tone softened slightly.

"Then you go and tell your father that I won't go." Feng Yu acted obediently after taking advantage of it, with a look of reluctance.

After Xin Moge was silent for a while, he really nodded, "Yes."

Feng Yu watched, and the image of Xin Moge going to Xin Haoyan to talk about it couldn't stop flashing in her mind, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, a little bit uncontrollably, the trace of unhappiness in her heart had already disappeared unconsciously, Feeling better all of a sudden, he approached Xin Moge from behind, stretched out his hand to hug Xin Moge's neck affectionately, looked sideways at the white gauze wrapped around Xin Moge's eyes, and said expectantly: " Change the medicine a few more times, and it won't be long before you can see it."

The teacup held in Xin Moge's hand, the tea in the teacup almost spilled out under Feng Yu's movements.

Xin Moge was also looking forward to recovering his eyesight, although he didn't show it much.

Feng Yu went on to say: "I see Mrs. Xie, it seems that she wants to take the opportunity to send someone to your bed. I can say it beforehand, if you marry me, you can only have me in this life. If you dare to have other women, Or if I dare to touch other women, I will leave immediately, and I will never see you again, I will do what I say." This point must be clearly stated, Feng Yu will never be able to bear it.As for Xie Wanting's thoughts, she superficially flattered her and wooed her, but she used such means to make her and Xin Moge sleep in separate rooms. Feng Yu is not a fool, she can more or less see a thing or two, and I believe Xie Wanting's purpose It's by no means innocent, I secretly kept a mind in my heart, but I didn't say anything on the surface.

"Try if you dare to go." Xin Moge's face darkened instantly, but he quickly eased, and said dotingly: "There will be no one else, only you."

"This is what you said, you have to remember it, and never forget it." Feng Yu was in a happy mood, and the corners of her lips could not help but curl up slightly.As long as Xie Wanting is not too much, she can turn a blind eye and not care about her.If not, she will definitely show her color.

Xin Moge laughed, "I don't think so, I married such... such a domineering wife."

"How can I be overbearing?" Feng Yu resolutely refused to admit it, pouted.

Xin Moge didn't argue with Feng Yu, he held Feng Yu's hand around his neck, pulled Feng Yu behind him to him, and then exerted a slight force, pulling Feng Yu into his arms, letting Feng Yu Yu sat on her lap, the cup of tea in her hand had already been put down, "From now on, don't say the word 'go' again."

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