Seeing that Wu Zhuoxi was about to make a move, Wu Yin had no choice but to tap Wu Zhuoxi's acupuncture points first.

Wu Yuan looked at it, nodded to Wu Yin, and signaled Wu Yin to take Wu Zhuoxi down first.

Wu Zhuoxi's eyes were burning, and he stared straight at Xin Moge.

After Wu Yinqiang took Wu Zhuoxi down, Wu Yuan signaled the servants and maidservants present to go down as well, and apologized to Xin Moge: "Young master, Zhuoxi is reckless, and I hope you see that he is just impulsive." For the sake of this, forgive him. After I go back, I will let my younger brother take care of me strictly, and there will never be a next time."

"Next time, don't show up here." Xin Moge remained expressionless.

Wu Yuan's heart trembled for a while, and he nodded hastily.

Xin Moge said again: "This matter is over. If it is reported to Feng Yufeng or let him know, I only ask you."

"Yes, young master, I understand." Wu Yuan quickly replied after hearing what Xin Moge meant.

"Okay, let's go down." Xin Moge was a little impatient.

Wu Yuan quickly turned around and retreated.

Feng Yu, who had already approached Xin Moge, asked Xin Moge after Wu Yuan withdrew: "Is it really Feng Wan? Have you already caught it?"

"Well, the person is now in custody." The person sent out sent a message back after catching Feng Wan. Xin Moge knew the situation long before Wu Zhuoxi came, but Wu Zhuoxi did not expect that Dare to come here in the middle of the night to ask for someone.

Feng Yu nodded, "Then close it first." For now, this seems to be the best way.


Early the next morning, Feng Yu went to visit Feng Yufeng.Feng Yufeng talked about the noise last night, and asked Fengyu if something happened last night?

"It's just a matter in Wujiabao. You don't need to pay attention to some trivial matters, father." Feng Yu said with a smile.

Feng Yufeng didn't think much, just asked casually.

Soon, Feng Yu came out of Feng Yufeng's room, not disturbing Feng Yufeng's rest.

The Wu Family Fort is very large, and it looks like a miniature grassland at first glance. Horses are tied in a large open-air stable, and the servants in the castle are already busy, either cleaning the stable or feeding the horses , or a charcoal-burning soldering iron.

Feng Yu felt that it was a little strange, since she had nothing to do anyway, so she walked over slowly to have a look.

For the horses in Wujiabao, each horse will be branded with a brand that belongs to Wujiabao with a red-hot iron.

"I heard that the second son made a big noise in the bamboo building last night and was locked up by the second castle master."

"What do you think is the identity of the people in the bamboo building?"

"I don't know..."

Feng Yu walked over and saw the servants whispering while working.

The servants were belatedly aware of Feng Yu who was approaching, and quickly stopped talking, and saluted Feng Yu one after another.

Feng Yu nodded lightly, pretending she didn't hear it.Although I don't know much about horses, it is not difficult to see that these horses in front of me are good horses from their robustness and spirit.

After Feng Yu looked around, she turned and walked back, feeling a little bloody about branding the horse with a red-hot iron, so she didn't mind watching it.

At the entrance of the hall, a slender man turned his back to Feng Yu's direction and was asking Wu Yuan something.

Feng Yu, who was walking back, vaguely heard the words "Second Brother" and "Shut Up".

Fengyu guessed that that person should be Wu Zhuotang, the eldest son of Wujiabao.I heard that the two young masters of the Wu family have a very good relationship. The eldest son is one year older than the second son. He is the biological son and only son of the Great Castle Lord Wu Yuan.

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