Wu Zhuoxi has been clamoring for Xin Moge to hand over Feng Wan, and he has been refusing to stop. There is no way for Wu Yin to lock Wu Zhuoxi temporarily, lest Wu Zhuoxi will make this matter worse.

Wu Zhuotang turned and left without asking anything from Wu Yuan.

Feng Yu and Xin Moge settled down in Wujiabao with peace of mind.Two days later, at night, Fengyu changed Xin Moge's medicine again.

When changing the dressing, Xin Moge vaguely felt a ray of light.In more than ten years, this was almost the first time he felt the light so clearly, although it was very small and faint.Xin Moge blinked slightly unconsciously, and quietly clenched his hands under his sleeves.

Fengyu noticed Xin Moge's movements, and quickly wrapped gauze around Xin Moge to prevent him from being exposed to more light, "It's not suitable for you to be exposed to light now. Did you feel the light just now?"

Xin Moge nodded, "A little bit."

"Don't worry, it will be soon." Feng Yu felt joy in her heart, which was a very good sign.

Two days later, in the afternoon, Feng Yu and Xin Moge went to Anxiang City together.Having been in this world for so long, Feng Yu really wanted to see the Lantern Festival in this world, I heard it was very lively.

Anxiang City is not very far from Wujiabao, and the slow carriage will only take about half an hour at most.

In the city of Anxiang, people came and went, and it was very lively.

The carriage from Wujiabao went all the way into the city, and finally stopped at the downstairs of the biggest restaurant in the city. Feng Yu and Xin Moge got off the carriage one after another.

After Wu Yuan knew that Feng Yu and Xin Moge were going to Anxiang City to watch the lanterns, he had ordered someone to reserve the third floor of this restaurant in advance. He hurriedly ordered the waiter in the shop to lead Feng Yu and Xin Moge to the third floor.

The sky has not yet completely darkened, candle lamps have been lit on the third floor, and all kinds of food, fruits and pastries have been prepared one by one.

"Young Master, Madam, the third floor has been reserved by Castle Master Wu, and no one will come up to disturb you. The younger one will leave first, and if there is any order, call the younger one directly, and the younger one will come right away."

"Well, you go down, I'll call you if something happens." Feng Yu looked around. The whole third floor was very quiet and the environment was very good. The most important thing was that the field of view was very spacious. Can see the street outside.Feng Yu is very satisfied.

The waiter bowed and stepped back.

"The table is over here." Feng Yu reached out to hold Xin Moge's hand after the shop waiter stepped back, and led Xin Moge to the table.

Xin Moge sat down.Feng Yu turned and walked towards the open window, stood by the window and looked out, and saw that the streets were already filled with small stalls, and there were all kinds of lanterns, large and small, almost dazzling.Pedestrians on the street will spend a lot more time in a while.

When Feng Yu was staring intently at the street outside, a hand stretched out from behind Feng Yu and hugged Feng Yu's waist affectionately.

After being stunned for a moment, Feng Yu turned slightly sideways, and looked at Xin Moge who came behind and hugged her.She really wanted to go down and play for a while like those people on the street. Those lanterns looked so beautiful that people couldn't help but want to buy one, but Xin Moge's situation is obviously not suitable for going in crowded crowds. Some embarrassment.

"Do you want to go down?" Although Xin Moge couldn't see it, it was not difficult for Xin Moge to guess the expression on Feng Yu's face.

"Forget it, it's good to see it this way." Feng Yu shook her head.

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