The large group of people passed by the carriage where Feng Yu and Xin Moge were parked beside the road...

The luxurious carriage also passed by the carriage that Feng Yu and Xin Moge were in... A gust of wind suddenly blew up without warning, and suddenly blew the curtains of the two carriages.

Fengyu looked out, and Xin Huanli in the luxury carriage opposite just looked over casually.The four eyes met, and they met each other in an instant!

Xin Huanli was surprised, stunned and shocked, unable to react for a moment.

When Feng Yu hurriedly wanted to pull down the blown car curtain, it was already too late.

"Stop!" The next moment, a familiar voice came from outside, and then Xin Huanli quickly got out of the car.

Feng Yu turned her head to look at Xin Moge, only to see that Xin Moge's face was tense and he couldn't distinguish his emotions.

"Brother, girl..."

"Let's go down." Feng Yu said to Xin Moge, listening to the voices coming from outside.Now that they have met, no matter how much they try to hide it, they can't hide it. No one expected the sudden wind, which caught people off guard.

Xie Wanting followed Xin Huanli out of the carriage, frowned and looked at the crude carriage that Xin Huanli was talking to.

Feng Yu opened the curtain and went down, looking at Xin Huanli outside the carriage. It's been so long since I saw him, it's great to see him safe and sound now, and I can finally let go of the worries in my heart.

She said that her name was "Feng Yu", and she was the eldest daughter of the academician Feng Yufeng.She also said that she is also "Princess Huayu", and "Princess Huayu" is her!During the period of coma, although he didn't wake up, he still felt the voices from the outside world, everything from the outside world, and what she said to him at his bedside, and he didn't even want to wake up at that moment.After finally waking up, this was confirmed from the news he heard. God knows how worried he was about her these days.Is she happy with her elder brother?He wanted to tell him that he didn't regret that sword that he blocked for her that day, not at all.

The drizzle was falling, separating the two of them.

For a while, no one spoke.

Xin Moge got down from the car and interrupted the gaze between Feng Yu and Xin Huanli.

Xin Huanli looked over and called calmly, "Brother."

"En." Xin Moge responded lightly.

"Hey, who did I think it was? It turned out to be the prince and the princess. I don't know where the prince and the princess are going in such a hurry? The tomb was burned. It's such a big event. I don't know if the prince and the princess have gone back to see it?" Standing in the luxurious carriage Xie Wanting next to her spoke immediately.

Looking at Feng Yu and Xin Moge opposite, Xie Wanting hated her so much, especially towards Feng Yu.

She, Xie Wanting, swore that she would pay back ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times, one day.

Feng Yu followed the voice and looked at Xie Wanting who was speaking, of course she understood that Xie Wanting hated her, so she said calmly, "Mrs. Xie, long time no see."

"It's really been a long time." Xie Wanting stepped forward, now that her own son, Xin Huanli, is here, what is she afraid of.

A large group of men in black suddenly descended from the sky at this moment, surrounding everyone in an instant.

Everyone was shocked. The guards, servants, and maidservants immediately put themselves on alert. They all looked warily at the men in black clothes who appeared, and saw that each of them was masked with a black scarf, holding a sharp sword, and was full of murderous intent. ...

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