Feng Yu was also shocked, she didn't expect the other party to come here so quickly and so fast.

Xin Moge narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xin Huanli looked at the group of black-clothed men who appeared out of nowhere, and then looked at the expressions on the faces of Feng Yu and Xin Moge. It was not difficult to see that these black-clothed men in front of them were aiming at them. who?

However, no matter what, he would not stand idly by, "Brother, girl, leave this to me, you go first."

"You're crazy! People are coming for them, yet you let them go first." Upon hearing this, Xie Wanting immediately yelled unhappily, and then said to the line of men in black in front of her: "You... The people you are looking for are them, we have nothing to do with them, don't make a mistake."

Xin Huanli did not expect Xie Wanting to say such words, "Mother..."

"Don't forget, your body is just right, don't meddle in other people's business, do you want to watch your mother have an accident?" Xie Wanting interrupted Xin Huanli suddenly, and even pulled Xin Huanli back to the side Go, wishing that Feng Yu and Xin Moge would die, he scolded the guards: "What are you still doing, come here quickly."

The guards, servants, and maidservants looked at each other after hearing the words, and retreated to Xie Wanting's side.

In such a situation, the men in black saw each other being so terrified and frightened, one can imagine the momentum around them, and they all took a step closer.

The person at the head even said in a vicious voice: "Xin Moge, Feng Yu, I advise you that it is better to arrest you without your arms. As long as you are arrested without your arms, I can temporarily spare your lives."

"That depends on whether you have the ability. Tell me, who sent you here?" Xin Moge sneered, took a step forward, and protected Feng Yu behind him.

"You don't deserve to know." The tone was rather harsh, and the man in black's expression was full of disdain.

"Really?" Xin Moge asked back.

The leader of the man in black immediately couldn't help but sneered again, and without wasting time, he ordered the people behind him: "Sir, as long as anyone can take their heads and bring them back, the Lord will reward you with great rewards."

"Yes." A group of men in black took the order, and immediately rushed forward, swiping their sharp swords at Xin Moge in unison.

Feng Yu knew that Xin Moge could deal with it, so she took a step back.Judging from the moves of the men in black, they should not be from the Western Regions.Judging from what the other party said and the tone of their speech, they should not have been sent by Emperor Cang Jingtian.Well, if nothing else, they should come from the man behind the scenes.

It's that man behind the scenes again!

Feng Yu frowned again and again, wondering who the other party was?What exactly do you want to do?

In the next moment, he swept away thousands of troops with just one move, and all the black-clothed men surrounding Xin Moge were thrown flying by Xin Moge in an instant, and fell to the ground in disorder.

"Not bad, not bad!" A voice that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, accompanied by applause suddenly sounded at this moment.I saw, in the forest beside the official road, a man dressed in black was standing on a branch with fluttering robes. I don't know when he appeared and how long he had been looking there.

Xin Moge had already noticed the existence of the other party, and looked at him coldly.

Xie Wanting was secretly startled, she grabbed Xin Huanli's arm with both hands, she didn't expect Xin Moge to have such skill.

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