"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten for a day, what do you want to eat?" Xin Moge asked.

Fengyu said a few things casually, and she was really hungry.

The next day—

After breakfast, Fengyu walked around the village with Xin Moge's support like yesterday.Exercise helps production. Walking more and moving more is always good, and there is no harm.

The maidservants passing by along the way stopped to salute Feng Yu and Xin Moge and then left. They all looked at Feng Yu with envy. Although they didn't know who Feng Yu and Xin Moge were, some Such a handsome and gentle man is treated so wholeheartedly, held in the palm of his hand and cherished, it is really impossible to ask for in a few lifetimes.

Feng Yu naturally saw it, turned her head to look at Xin Moge, couldn't help pursing her lips into a smile.

Time goes on.

This day and night, Feng Yu was startled awake by the pain coming from her abdomen. After waking up, she thought it was the same normal labor pain as in the past few days, so she gritted her teeth and secretly endured it, thinking that it would pass after a while.

But after a long time, the abdominal pain not only did not ease, but also became more and more severe.

Feng Yu later realized that the labor pains this time seemed different from the previous ones, so she quickly pushed Xin Moge beside her to wake him up.

Xin Moge has been with Feng Yu all the time these days. After Feng Yu fell asleep, she has been concentrating on reading and studying medical books, wanting to learn more about this, so as not to be as busy as Feng Yu when she was in labor for the first time.After day and night, he was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, only to wake up suddenly under Feng Yu's push, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yu was in so much pain that she was almost speechless.

Xin Moge got up hastily, and ordered the maid outside to call the midwife over immediately.

After the midwife came over to have a look, she quickly invited Xin Moge out and asked the servant to boil water quickly, and all the maidservants came to help.

In a short time, the entire Shuizhuang was as dark as day, and everyone was busy up and down, even worse than when Fengyu's first labor pains came.

Xin Moge stood in the yard waiting nervously and anxiously, only to hear Feng Yu's painful cries from time to time in the room with the closed door.

For a long time, Fengyu had never heard such a cry of pain, Xin Moge wished he could rush into the room.

In the room, Feng Yu was in extreme pain. She had heard that women suffer from great pain when giving birth, but she never thought it would be this painful.

The maidservants who were helping were almost all young girls who had not yet left the cabinet. They had never seen such a scene before, and all of them were terrified.The midwives are relatively calm and busy in an orderly manner, after all, they are already very experienced.

Pots of bloody water kept coming out of the room, and then replaced with clean water.

As time went by, the cries of pain from the room became louder and louder, and Xin Moge, who was waiting in the yard, couldn't stop clenching his hands tighter and tighter.

After a long time, the cries of pain from the room subsided visibly, and a midwife with bloody hands ran out in a panic, and stammered to Xin Moge, "My lord, no...it's not good, Madame, she...she..."

"What happened to her?" Xin Moge asked hastily.

"Ma'am, she...she had dystocia, and she was bleeding profusely, I'm afraid...I'm afraid..."

Before the midwife finished speaking, Xin Moge had already passed the midwife and quickly walked to the room. Regardless of the other midwives in the room, he walked towards the bed in three steps at a time, sat down on the side of the bed, and held Feng Yu's hand. hand, "Yu'er...wake up...look at me..."

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