Feng Yu's complexion was pale, she was already a little groggy, she had no strength at all, she opened her eyes slightly when she heard the voice.

The room was filled with the smell of blood, and the bed was even more bloody, which was shocking.

"I...I'm fine..." Feng Yu said weakly.

The more she said that, the more worried, uneasy, and even uneasy Xin Moge felt. He tightened Feng Yu's hand and looked at a group of midwives, "How is she? If something happens to her, I will let you all Burial."

"This... we..." Difficult childbirth is also common, and no one can guarantee this, and the whole group of midwives trembled.

"What are you still doing, come here quickly." Xin Moge almost roared out the last few words.

A group of midwives trembled again, and hurried over, "My lord, please come out first..."

"I won't go out, I'll stay here with you." Xin Moge stood up, gave up his seat to a group of midwives, and held Feng Yu's hand tightly.

With Xin Moge by her side, Feng Yu felt a lot more at ease. Under the command of the midwife, she continued to use force according to the midwife's instructions, but the force was like sand in a funnel.

Gradually, Fengyu's eyes began to darken.

Blood kept flowing out from Feng Yu's body...

A group of midwives began to sweat on their foreheads.

quite a while--

One of the midwives tremblingly said to Xin Moge: "My lord, if...if this continues, both the wife and the child...will be in danger. Do you think...is it...to protect the adult or...or to protect the child?"

"Say it again!" Xin Moge, who was looking at Feng Yu, suddenly raised his head.

The midwife was instantly taken aback by the look on Xin Moge's face, she quickly backed away in fear, and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Feng Yu vaguely heard what the midwife said, braced her body and hurriedly opened her eyes, held Xin Moge's hand and said without hesitation: "Protect... protect the child... definitely... must protect the child..."

For Xin Moge, children are important, and Fengyu is even more important. Instead, he held Fengyu's hand tightly and stroked Fengyu's sweaty, pale face. He never thought that giving birth would be so painful and dangerous. Looking back at the group of midwives, she withdrew the hand that was caressing Feng Yu's face and clenched it into a fist under the sleeve, digging her fingertips into her palm without feeling it, and asked word by word: "Is this the only one?" Is there a way?"

A group of midwives nodded tremblingly, "Young master, please make a decision as soon as possible."

"Lord Bao, you must not let your lord have anything to do." Xin Moge resolutely made up his mind and gritted his teeth.

Feng Yu suddenly opened her eyes wide in disbelief, holding Xin Moge's hand, her fingertips almost dug into the back of Xin Moge's hand, "No... no, baby, if something happens to the child, I... All my life... I will never forgive you."

"Yu'er, we can have children again in the future."

"But, no matter how many there are, it's not this one anymore. I just want him." She was pregnant in October, and that feeling had already merged into her flesh and blood before she knew it. This was her first child. She and Xin Mo Ge's child, even if it takes her life, she will give birth to him, "I...I beg you..."


"Xin Moge, I beg you...you promise...promise me..." Feng Yu's other hand also went up, holding Xin Moge's hand with both hands, her weak face was unprecedented plead.

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