Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing have been worrying about and taking care of Feng Yu. Even if they chased the deer first, they did not chase too far, and quickly slowed down to wait for Feng Yu behind. It was too ordinary to catch the eye at all, it was a good time to hear Feng Yu take the initiative to say so, and left all the soldiers here to protect Feng Yu, so he whipped his horse and went to the big forest in front of the hillside.

Feng Yu jumped off the horse, threw the reins to the soldiers behind, and walked towards the stream ahead.

The stream is clean and clear, you can clearly see the sand and rocks at the bottom, and there are a few fish swimming in it.

Feng Yu was in a good mood, squatted down and washed her hands and face, and told the soldiers to rest as well.

On the opposite side, there was a bush a little far away, and the bushes shook slightly.

When Fengyu raised her head after washing her face, she saw keenly, and naturally thought that there was a prey there, so her heart moved, and she asked the soldier to give her a bow and arrow, and then walked lightly by herself, while letting the soldier You all stay where you are and wait, don't follow.

Soldiers lead.

The swaying of the bushes obviously became more violent as Feng Yu approached.

Feng Yu squinted her eyes, and from the degree of shaking, it was not difficult to judge that the prey behind the bushes should not be small, whether it was a deer or a roe deer, after walking a few steps, she quickly drew up the bow, and the arrow slowly aimed at it.

A hidden guard suddenly appeared at this moment, and suddenly appeared beside Feng Yu, and stopped him: "Young Madam..."

The soldiers who stayed at the same place had been watching Feng Yu from behind, and when they saw the hidden guards who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and were so close to Feng Yu, they thought it was an assassin without even thinking about it at first, and immediately hugged her. Come over to save Feng Yu.

Feng Yu recognized the hidden guard, and after a moment of astonishment, she quickly turned around and ordered all the soldiers who had rushed back to retreat.

Hearing this, the soldiers slammed to a stop as if they were on the brakes, and almost fell into a pile like arhats, with stunned expressions on their faces.

Behind the bushes, when the dark guard appeared and the soldiers rushed over, a gray figure rushed away, very fast, Fengyu ordered the soldiers and turned around and saw it out of the corner of her eye, but It was just a shadow caught, and it was impossible to see what it was, so he looked at the dark guard suspiciously, "What's going on?"

The dark guard continued what was interrupted by the soldiers rushing over, "Young Madam, there was only one person there just now."

"Human?" Suddenly, Feng Yu was stunned.

The hidden guards nodded, they followed Feng Yu's order to protect Feng Yu at all times, when Feng Yu was keenly aware of the shaking of the bushes, they also noticed it, and went to check it quietly to ensure safety , could see clearly, "That is indeed a person, that's why this subordinate hastily showed up to remind the young lady." Of course, if Fengyu wanted to kill, the hidden guard would definitely not stop her, the reminder was just for the sake of it. After Fang Fengyu shot the arrow, she found that she had killed innocent people and regretted it.

Feng Yu still had some disbelief, and frowned slightly, "You say it's a human being, if it's a real human being, it's reasonable to be an assassin, hiding there and preparing to assassinate, but how can ordinary people hide there so sneakily?"

"This, the subordinate is not very clear." The dark guard bowed his head.

"Come on, come with me to have a look." Feng Yu said, and walked towards the direction where the figure was sprinting.

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