The hidden guard who showed up accompanied Feng Yu and walked over with her.

The rest of the dark guards continued to hide in the dark to accompany and protect Feng Yu, but did not show up.

The soldiers who stopped at the rear were really worried. They couldn't bear it if Fengyu had an accident, so they also followed, keeping a certain distance.

Walking along the way, the surrounding area was empty, and there was no longer that scurrying figure, and that figure had disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

After a while, another hidden guard appeared and said to Feng Yu: "Young Madam, over there."

Feng Yu looked in the direction pointed by the dark guard and asked the dark guard to lead the way.

After walking about half a stick of incense, the dark guard led Feng Yu to stop at the entrance of a cave, "Young Madam, that person just now is hiding inside."

"Did you see who it is?" The entrance of the cave is not big, only about half a person.If people want to go in, they must squat down and crawl in, so that they can't see the situation inside the cave clearly when standing outside the cave.Weeds are overgrown at the entrance of the cave, and some grasses obviously show signs of being burned.There are several dark red spots on the ground, which should be caused by the blood left on the ground to dry.

The dark guard shook his head, "I didn't see clearly."

A group of soldiers following behind also stopped when Feng Yu and the hidden guard stopped, still keeping a certain distance.

As for the place where Feng Yu and the others were standing in front, several soldiers were obviously no strangers, hesitating whether to go up to Feng Yu and tell Feng Yu, and finally push out a person, and let the pushed person go forward .

The soldier who was pushed out walked slowly, stepping back and forth.

Feng Yu and the dark guard knew that the soldiers were following, they didn't pay attention, they turned their heads when they heard footsteps getting closer.

Seeing Feng Yu's gaze, the soldiers stopped looking back at the soldiers behind them, trotted forward, and told Feng Yu: "Concubine Xin, there is a savage hiding here for many years. He came here from the city to hunt. Basically all the people in the village have seen it, and the subordinates have also seen it when they come hunting with the prince."

"Savage?" Feng Yu frowned.

The soldier nodded, "He's not from Licheng. He should have been discarded by someone else and thrown on this mountain on purpose. His body is dirty and unkempt. No one has seen his real appearance, and it's not clear whether he is a man or not." It's a woman. In the past few years, he also went down the mountain and entered the city, but as soon as he entered the city, he was thrown with stones by the children and the people in the city, and he was bullied by the children and the people in the city. He has been hiding in the mountains for a long time. I have never been down the mountain again. However, despite this, I am still often bullied by hunters."

Feng Yu understood, stood there for a while, looked at it for a while, then turned and left.

The soldiers followed.

Back to the stream on the hillside, Cang Yueli and Fan Yinqing hadn't come back yet. The long-haired baby rabbit caught earlier was tied to a stone by the soldiers with a rope, and it was still struggling clumsily, like a lump. The white cotton ball moved around, making Feng Yu unable to stop thinking of Xiao Yun'er.But thinking of Xiao Yun'er, Feng Yu couldn't help but wanted to go back, she jumped on the horse and said to the soldiers: "Forget it, I'll go back first, half of you will stay here and continue to wait for the emperor and Shizi Fan."

The soldiers took the order, and half of them immediately took all the prey and followed Feng Yu.

The two hidden guards who appeared had long since disappeared.


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