The hot summer wind blows gently.

The curly hair was lifted, leaving behind a burst of itching, which brought Ye Jiaojiao back to her senses.

At this time, Ye Jinghan's slim figure had already left her sight.But the shock left by the cold words is like the hot summer air, lingering.

"She... can only be mine!"

Shang Haotian's murmur, mixed with unwillingness and jealousy, penetrated into his ears.

Ye Jiaojiao seemed to have been shocked by something, and looked at the man beside her in a daze.

What will he say? !

Why, he was still thinking about that little bitch Ye Jinghan!

Isn't it enough to have her?Why, he still thinks about that bitch who has been slept by an unknown man? !

She is unwilling!

Ye Jiaojiao clenched her fists, her nails almost pierced her palms, but she couldn't lose face in front of Shang Haotian, and still maintained a dignified face.But the burning emotion in Shang Haotian's eyes was like a whip, beating her heart continuously, leaving bloody scars one after another—soaked in hatred!

Every inch of that scar was because of Ye Jinghan.

Because she is Ye Jiaojiao's natural nemesis——

With her here, she can only be an illegitimate daughter!

With her here, she will always be inferior!

With her here, Shang Haotian's eyes will stick to her!

Even though, she conquered Shang Haotian's desire by relying on her kung fu in bed.But in this man's heart, he still misses the person he can't get.

So - Ye Jinghan can't stay, absolutely can't stay!


In the Ye family mansion.

Ye Tengda, who was furious with anger, kept cursing Ye Jinghan and her mother.

Liu Mengru did enough of the show, and put on the gentle gesture that most arouses Ye Tengda's affection, while giving Ye Tengda comfort, while softly comforting: "Old Ye, look at you, this eager to teach the child is too late. The child was scared away! Let me tell you, Jing Han is still young, and she has resentment about you and me in her heart, so you can let her make trouble. Think about it, that child is also very pitiful. There is no mother to teach... Hey, I'm not worried about Jiaojiao at all, it's Jinghan, it's difficult..."

The worried expression was just right, with a touch of melancholy and melancholy.

It seems that she is really a good wife and mother, worrying about the daughter who is separated by layers of belly for her husband.

But it's not so much a relief, it's better to say that he is putting all his energy into blocking Ye Tengda!

Ye Tengda, who deliberately made him angry, remembered Ye Jiaojiao's kindness again.

This temperament is even bigger!

"Hmph——that girl, it's better to die outside!" Cursing Ye Jinghan viciously, Father Ye listened to the soft voice in his ear, and the anger in his heart dissipated a little.

"What nonsense!" Liu Mengru glared at her husband reproachfully, then took the hot tea from the maid and handed it over, "No matter how angry you are, she is still your daughter."

"I never regarded her as a daughter! She... is just like that bitch, a disobedient pawn!"

As if thinking of something, Ye Tengda rubbed the center of his brows irritably, and put down the cup in his hand heavily.But she didn't notice that in Liu Mengru's lowered eyes, there was a glint of prey——

Sen Leng is vicious, faintly proud.

"Did you ask? Last night she..."

"Don't ask! This photo is ironclad evidence! Anyway, this girl can't stay here anymore. You can ask someone to bring her back and lock her up later. Don't let her cause trouble for me until you send her abroad. !"

After a pause, Ye Tengda said again: "I heard that Lu Yan is about to take office. He is not a good friend. I can't be caught by him if I make any mistakes, so I can't blame me for being cruel. As for Jiaojiao, since the matter between her and Haotian has been settled, let's do it sooner, anyway - they are all daughters of the Ye family, it's different who they marry!"

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