"Lao Ye, don't get excited, the child has to teach slowly."


Disdainfully raising his eyebrows, Ye Tengda looked at Liu Mengru with love in his eyes, changed his tone, and said proudly: "I see Jiaojiao's child, but he never asked me to teach him anything. He was obedient and sensible since he was a child. He is beautiful and has a good personality. Well, it hurts! It doesn't look like she-"

His contemptuous eyes swept across, Ye Tengda was replaced by that gentle voice before he opened his mouth to sarcasm.

"You don't have to worry about that child Jiaojiao, after all, I brought..." Liu Mengru subconsciously stopped the second half of the sentence, turned her eyes and glanced at Ye Jinghan, her eyes were provocative, as if she was watching a play, full of complacency.

Immediately, she changed the subject——

"Everyone says that father and daughter don't have an overnight feud. Looking at you, you don't look like father and daughter. They are natural enemies. When they meet, they fight each other. If you say this, no one will believe it!"

Pausing for a moment, Liu Mengru, who was giving Father Ye a favor, smiled meaningfully, and looked at Ye Jinghan again.

Sighing, she put on a sincere tone: "Jing Han, Aunt Liu knows that you don't like me. But it's okay, I'm an outsider, but your father is different, he is your elder, you have to respect his decision. He This is for your own good and responsible for the future of the Ye family! Just like this matter, your father suppressed it and arranged for you to go abroad, isn’t it just to protect you? As for Jiaojiao... I hope You understand, the merchant's marriage is not up to our family, and the merchant suggested—"

"Hmph, what's the use of talking about this with a shitty girl!"

"Of course it's useless!" Without waiting for Ye Tengda to explode, Ye Jinghan said directly: "I'm not interested in what the businessman proposes. I don't want to know about Ye Jiaojiao and Shang Haotian's nonsense, anyway, the truth will come soon. Then everyone will know about it. As for the matter of going abroad... I think you should prepare for your precious illegitimate daughter earlier! Otherwise, when the time comes, I'm afraid you will not be able to cover her up even if you want to!"


"Don't use the tone of a father to order me, teach me - remember, when you come to ask your daughter as a father, please also be a competent father first!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Ye Jinghan stared closely at the couple on the sofa, the smile on his mouth gradually subsided, turning into indifference.

Turn away.

There was a loud noise from behind, mixed with Ye Tengda's yelling and cursing, and the consolation of his stepmother.

Ye Jinghan didn't look back.

She straightened her back and left the cold mansion.

But just as Ye Jinghan stepped on the high heels and pushed the door out, a pair of figures blocked the way.

Those were Ye Jiaojiao and Shang Haotian.

They hugged each other and kissed inseparably.

"Are the two conjoined twins mouth to mouth?!"

Ye Jinghan sneered at the men and women in front of him who were eager to linger, as if they would be burned to death if they separated for a second.

"Ah!" Ye Jiaojiao moved away blushing, and looked at Ye Jinghan shyly.Seeing her walking by, she seemed to have thought of something, and quickly grabbed her arm: "Jing Han, wait—"

Pausing in his tracks, Ye Jinghan looked indifferently at Ye Jiaojiao who was hesitant to speak, "Speak up if you have something to say!"

"Uh..." Ye Jiaojiao pursed her lips, concealed the gleam in her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Jinghan, don't you blame me, I'm not trying to snatch your fiancé, I'm an elder in the family..."

"Hey! This kind of scumbag is more suitable for you."

The mocking eyes turned back and forth between the dog and the man.

Ye Jinghan stretched out his hand to break away Ye Jiaojiao's hand, and his thin lips curled up seductively.

"It's a pity, God should have connected your lower body tightly together. In this way, you can satisfy each other at any time, instead of sneaking around the back door and playing car vibration!"

After finishing speaking, before the two of them could react, Ye Jinghan's face turned cold, and his voice was cold: "Get out of the way—"

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