"Knock Knock Knock-"

There was a polite knock on the door.

The old man who appeased Ye Jinghan answered the door: "Come in!"

A man in black tights pushed the door in and nodded respectfully to the old man.

"Grandpa, everything is done. The helicopter will arrive in 15 minutes."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ye Jinghan and bowed apologetically, "I'm sorry, miss, I was a little harsh before, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I want to thank you."

Concentrating, Ye Jinghan wiped his face, pulled the corners of his lips reluctantly, and smiled at the man: "Thank you for saving me!"

"It's my duty to ensure Miss's safety." There was a flash of surprise in Jing Rui's eyes, but he quickly returned to calm.The corner of the man's mouth curled up in a friendly way, not as alienated and rigid as before, and seemed to agree with him.

"He is Aze. From now on, he will be responsible for your safety." The old man handed over a tissue. Seeing her hesitation, he added: "I know what you want to ask. Aze, you know Yes, tell Hanhan everything!"

Aze nodded respectfully, turned his eyes to look at Ye Jinghan, and briefly explained how he learned that Liu Mengru had arranged for Ye Jinghan to be arrested and planned to sell her to a private prostitute abroad.

He looked at her slightly white knuckles due to excessive force, feeling a little distressed.

"So, for me not to stop Ye Jiaojiao's marriage, she wants to destroy me?!"

Smiling low, charming and enchanting.

A touch of coldness flashed across her eyes, adding a touch of evil charm to her beautiful face.

"Yes." His eyes flickered, and Aze's voice sank again: "We used your bag and mobile phone to fake the scene where you disappeared after being hijacked, and reported to the police. Now the police have intervened, but Liu Mengru will never Give up. So, for your safety, please leave here with us!"

Hearing this, Ye Jinghan suddenly remembered the scene when Aze snatched the phone from her hand and crushed it when he rescued her.

Suddenly looked up.

She looked at her grandfather, and a question suddenly flashed in her mind.

Why did she want to leave, not with a recorder as evidence...

No, why is she confused?

A slight sarcasm curled up at the corner of his mouth.

The sound in the recording pen has been processed, and the sound waves cannot be corrected.Recording pens are also the most common style, and finding a buyer is harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

And those contents... can't be used as evidence in court at all!

Unless, find the person who provided the recording.

But where can I find this person?

"Let's go with Grandpa, Hanhan." Holding her shoulders tightly, the old man's eyes were extremely firm: "You are the only blood of the Bo family and my only relative! As for those who hurt you and your mother I will never-"

"Grandpa," Ye Jinghan said suddenly, interrupting the old man.

Raising her head, she looked at the old man firmly, calmly, but firmly said: "Grandpa, I will go with you. But please promise me not to interfere in this matter! I want to do it myself... for My mother, but also for myself!"

She left to protect herself and accumulate strength.

And for those people, let them live for a few years in the torment of anxiety!

However, their recent days should not be easy, at least, Ye Jiaojiao will not...

A touch of treachery emerged from the corner of her mouth. The blockbuster she left behind should be on the headlines tomorrow!

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