Five years later--

S City, International Airport.

When the news of the plane's landing came out, the reporters waiting inside and outside the airport rushed out like they were on a stimulant, scrambling to be the first to swarm up, carrying a camera, or a SLR that looked like an anti-aircraft gun lens, and occupied a favorable position.

The red carpet extends from the airport gate to the VIP passageway.

Reporters are on the lookout.

Passers-by who don't know why, frequently look sideways.

It seems that they are all guessing and waiting for the appearance of some important person...


"Aze, check immediately who released the news about my itinerary!"

Surrounded by the crowd, the woman turned her face slightly, and turned to the handsome man in the suit next to her, with a slight hint of coldness at the corner of her mouth: "You to deal with it."

"Yes, Miss!"

The handsome man called A Ze responded, with faint smile lines on his lips, and winked at the woman jokingly: "Miss, after five years, I set foot on this homeland again, do you have any regrets?"


Passing through the staff passage, the woman stopped in front of a glass door.

"Isn't there? I thought that the eldest lady would feel a lot of emotion because she returned to her hometown..."

Smiling, Aze took half a step forward.

A hand with a white glove rested lightly on the doorknob.After a short pause, he added jokingly: "At least, I have to say, 'I'm back, lambs!'"


His eyebrows trembled slightly.

The woman ignored the laughing bodyguards behind her, lowered her sunglasses slightly, and stared at the handsome man: "Aze, if you continue to joke, I will send you to the Antarctic Continent and let you be with penguins!"


The charming laughter has not yet escaped from the lips.

That enchanting figure brushed away his hand and pushed open the door——

Outside the door, a limited edition red Porsche sports car parked there early, waiting for its owner in a ostentatious manner.


The person beside the car bent down respectfully.

But before he could speak again, he was robbed of the car keys!

——Open the door and get in the car.

The swaying skirt fluttered slightly, like the venomous sun, extremely dazzling.



Aze stretched out his hand to block the car door that was about to close: "Miss, where are you going?! Old Bo told you not to—"

"Don't use grandpa to pressure me!" Lifting her chin, the woman looked at him impatiently, confidently: "Also, Ze, don't test me. Now that I'm back, I know what I'm going to face."

"But, you must take me with you, I am your personal butler..."

"Then I'll give you a day off!"

Taking out her mobile phone, the woman sent a text message and said in an unquestionable tone: "I have some personal matters to deal with. I will ask Fiona to accompany me to the press conference later. Aze, take them back to Bobo first." Manor, I'll be there later!"

After speaking, she directly closed the car door.

At the same time, a capable-looking woman hurried over with a bag.

Seeing the car, she screamed.

But before he could say a word of admiration, the co-pilot's door popped open.

"Fiona, get in the car!" The commanding voice, a little arrogant, came from the car.

Fiona was taken aback and didn't dare to stay longer.

Nodding to Aze who looked dissatisfied outside the car, Ma slipped into the car.

And the moment the car door closed——

A gust of engine sound pierced the clear sky.

The high-heeled shoes stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, causing the eye-catching and luxurious sports car to leave at a high speed, heading for the most grand wedding scene in S City today...

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