And the one who released the news, on the one hand, looked at the small miscellaneous fish floating on the water surface as if watching a play, and on the other hand secretly watched Chi Jun and A Ze secretly, keeping their every move in full control. Take a closer look.

On the face of it, he really believed in Bao Jinghan's disappearance this time, so he also dispatched his strong generals to search secretly.But for some reason, he always had a premonition that Bao Jinghan's disappearance was a fuse, but his strong premonition told him that even if the fuse of Bao Jinghan burned, it would not be able to burn herself.

She will be back, for sure!

And her return will definitely bring him an incredible shock.

Terence is not a person who can do things by feeling, but he is very convinced of the feeling of danger that he senses every time he is in a crisis, which makes every cell of him excited.And this kind of sensitive feeling also allowed him to escape countless calamities for this reason.

It's just that the current perception, although it is good news, did not make him happy at all, but made him subconsciously more alert.

It was good news for him that Bao Jinghan could come back, but it was also bad news.

If she really came back, although the plan could continue to be implemented as it is, there must be variables that he cannot grasp, and this variable is precisely the last thing he wants to see.In addition, he really wanted to seize the power in the hands of Bao Jinghan and Ivan, bring them into his own hands, and change the three-legged pattern of the temple that had lasted for generations...

Leaning on the sofa, Terence let himself sink into the snow-white fox fur rocking chair without a single fur in the most comfortable posture, allowing the chair to shake slightly, following the dizzy The rhythm of sleep gradually entered a state of contemplation.

And as time passed, he finally straightened out his thoughts and brought himself back to his senses.

However, as soon as he regained his senses, he pressed the button on the business jet at the corner of the table and called in the special assistant who had been guarding the door.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

"Well," pondered, Terence reached out and rubbed the center of his brows, but he didn't open his eyes. After alleviating the soreness between his brows, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the table, saying, "You take that document. Go, let the people below do the same. You take out the envelope from the document, and hand it to the butler Aze next to Miss Bo. Give it to him, and let him handle it well, and you don't have to ask about other things gone."

The man who was meticulously dressed, more dignified than a personal butler, and more neat than a company white-collar, bowed respectfully to Terence.

He didn't say anything more, didn't ask any more questions, just answered "yes" softly, and left the room.

When he went out, he didn't forget to close the heavy door.

Leaving Terence with a slightly pale complexion alone among them.

Watching the door gradually close, Terence looked up at the ceiling, where there was a dazzling, gorgeous crystal chandelier.

For a long time, his eyes were blurred, the corners of his mouth curled up into a sinister and weird smile, and he clenched his fists slightly.


"Steward Ze, this is what Sir Terence asked me to give you."

After going downstairs, the man walked through the atrium to the small villa on the west side of the house, and handed an envelope still stamped with wax to Aze.

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