In the villa, Aze was sitting in the center of the living room, on the single sofa among the group of sofas, with a newspaper spread out in his hand, but he didn't know that the newspaper was held upside down by him, and his gaze was turned aside from time to time, resting on the Glance at the phone on the coffee table.

But the phone's screen was always black and there was no movement.

And when he saw that the mobile phone was still, he would involuntarily glance at the landline on the side case from the corner of his eye.

His face was calm and calm, but there was eagerness between his brows.

Obviously, he was waiting for a call.

A very important call.

The importance made him anxious, anxious, and even confused.It made him so confused that he didn't even know that the newspaper in his hand was knocked down.

The special assistant had a panoramic view of this scene, an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth tightened the moment the smile passed.

In his eyes, the butler Aze, who has always been shrewd, capable and calm, would never make such a low-level mistake, nor would he show that anxious and eager expression.Unless... unless something happened to the master who held the supreme position in his heart, he would behave like this.

It seems that the news of Ms. Bo's disappearance is true, otherwise, her acting in this scene was too realistic, and she actually hid everyone from the sky.Obviously, he never believed in this possibility, and naturally he would not have thought that Bao Jinghan and Aze had already been in contact. With the tacit understanding between the two, it would be very easy to play together to fool their eyes.

"Aze? Butler Aze!"

Seeing that Aze didn't respond, the special assistant called him again in a low voice.

And the voice was a little louder than before, which brought him back to his senses, but the anxiety that flashed across his eyes had no time to calm down, and once again fell into the eyes of the caring person with incomparable clarity.

"Hey, you... I'm sorry, I lost my mind and didn't notice you. What did you say just now, did you hear about my eldest lady, Sir Terence? Where is she, how is she now, how is she—— "

"Butler Ze, please calm down your emotions first, okay?"

Listening to Aze's series of questions, the deep anxiety from the heart really shocked him as a special assistant.He had also heard before that the relationship between A Ze and his young lady Bo Jinghan was very deep, but he never thought that it would be so deep.He always thought that it would only be a subordinate relationship between superiors and subordinates, and a friendship between master and servant.But now it seems... that young lady of the Bo family's ability to buy people's hearts is probably better than Terence's!

Look, aren't talents like Aze tightly held by her?

Because of her disappearance, there will be chaos, and the worry in his heart is probably even worse than that of the old man of the Bo family!

Hey, it's really a blessing to have such a subordinate, that Miss Bo!

It's a pity that she was born in such a family, otherwise, she and A Ze would be considered a beautiful couple...

"Sorry to make you laugh. I..."

"Butler Aze doesn't need to explain anything, I can understand it. No one wants to see such a thing happen, but all we can do now is to wait for the news. I believe that Miss Bo is lucky and lucky. With the sky, nothing will happen. She will definitely come back safely."

Smiling, the special assistant said comforting words in a formulaic way, and at the same time reached out and handed over the envelope in his hand: "Butler Ze, this is

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