Ye Jinghan, who was hot all over, couldn't help leaning towards Liang Yun beside him.

Looking up, she squinted her eyes and tried hard to see the man in front of her clearly, and gently poked his chest with her little hand: "You said, don't play tricks!"

The slightly drunken face was dyed with a pretty color, making it even more charming.

"Hey, don't move!"

Grabbing her poking little hand, the man cleverly used Ye Jinghan to fend off the woman surnamed Fan who pushed him over.

Ye Jinghan's body was hot, his hands and feet were weak, and he was very dizzy, so he took advantage of the opportunity to get close to the "ice cube" beside him, and even kissed him twice intimately, and sighed comfortably.

Squinting her eyes, she looked at the girl standing in front of her with her head bowed, and asked curiously and sympathetically, "Is this fat man your father?"

The girl looked up, nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Your father is going to sell you!"

Ye Jinghan looked at the girl's dazed expression and smiled lightly.

Looking up, she looked up at the man who was much taller than her, raised her eyebrows and teased: "You want her? Tsk tsk... You don't have a pedophile! Look, he seems to be underage, and he is not afraid of being caught!"

The red lips are slightly pouting, as if acting like a spoiled child.

"It's enough for me to have you, baby!" The man smiled lowly, and said intimate words that were misleading.

In the next second, he picked up Ye Jinghan's waist and lifted her directly onto his shoulders.

Ye Jinghan struggled feebly.

A trace of evil quickly flashed across the man's eyes, and he slapped her on the buttocks: "You're not good!"

Turning his eyes, the man looked at Fatty Fan coldly, his brows slightly raised, and there was a cold chill between his brows, not angry but arrogant.Cold Ruo Frost's eyes were unfathomable, but his voice was surprisingly calm and polite: "Fan Dong, my girlfriend is drunk, excuse me."

Fatty Fan shrunk his neck involuntarily, and took half a step back, making way for the noble prince of the Lu family...


The noisy private room suddenly became quiet.

Shang Haotian, who was leaning against the door, watched the strange man carry Ye Jinghan away, his eyes were so red that he could breathe fire.

"damn it!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Shang Haotian chased out the door.

At this time, a pair of soft and boneless jade arms slid past his waist, holding him tightly, and warm and soft words penetrated into his ears along with the heat.

"Don't go! Haotian, please, don't go...Haotian, people say that Jing Han is his girlfriend, and you are chasing after him to disrupt the situation. What is your identity? Saying that you are Jing Han's fiancé, openly Being cuckolded makes people laugh! Haotian, I'm not worth it for you..."

Ye Jiaojiao begged in a low voice, but there was a hint of treachery in her eyes.

Hearing the sound, Shang Haotian stopped in his tracks, and slammed his clenched fists hard on the door panel.

Shocking viciousness shot out from the red eyes, and he threw it towards the elevator at the end of the corridor. Shang Haotian gritted his teeth and roared: "Ye Jinghan, you will regret it!"

Turning around, he kissed fiercely, impatiently landing on Ye Jiaojiao's pink lips, ravaging her repeatedly.

After venting for a while, he stroked Ye Jiaojiao's red and swollen lips pitifully, but there was a flash of revenge in his eyes: "Jiaojiao, I won't let you follow me for nothing. I'll let my mother go to your house tomorrow , I want to change my fiancée—I, want, you!"


In the luxurious hotel room, there was a woman's soft and seductive crooning.

"Uncomfortable, uh... so hot!"

Ye Jinghan, who had just been put down, tugged at the neckline with one hand to drive away the inexplicable heat on his body, but tightly grasped the man's wrist with the other hand.

"Don't go!" Ye Jinghan squinted her eyes and tried hard to see him clearly. Although her meaning was a little confused, she still remembered what she wanted to do, and ordered: "Don't play tricks! Come here, let me kiss you!"

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