Soft and waxy voice, charming and sweet, mellow and pleasant to listen to.

However, her tone became more and more arrogant.

Look at that posture, it means that if you don't take the initiative to let me kiss, I will force you!

The man turned his eyes to look at the woman who was holding onto him, and wanted to leave her behind, but at this moment, he didn't know what kind of evil had caused him, so he couldn't shake her off, and even coaxed her patiently.

"Good girl, stop making trouble! Get a good night's sleep, and you'll be fine when you wake up."

"Well, don't!"

Ye Jinghan was so hot that he let go of his hands and threw himself at the man, hugged his waist, and pressed his whole body against him.

A coolness, like nectar in the desert, penetrates from the skin to the bone marrow.

"So comfortable..."

Ye Jinghan panted and sighed, his originally frowning brows slightly relaxed.

And her hand was pressed somewhere unfortunately.

A wave of hotness rushed to her lower abdomen following her restless little hands.

The man tensed up unconsciously, wanting to tear that little girl away.But that little girl didn't let go, and desperately put her hand in... there.

"Huh?" The dazed Ye Jinghan raised her pretty face, and the smile on the corner of her mouth made her look more like a goblin, a seductive goblin: "You're so hot too! Shall I help you to freeze it? "

As she said that, she shook her whole hand.


The man snorted, his pitch-black eyes trembled suddenly, and a scorching light flashed through his eyes, which was terrifyingly fierce.

"Ah—it hurts!"

The sharp pain came from the wrist bone.

Ye Jinghan, who was dizzy, was awakened by the pain.

She raised her head suddenly, staring at the man who seemed to break her wrist, a wave of nameless anger surged up along with the pain.

"Bastard! Bullying women, you are still not a man!"

With a coquettish sound, Ye Jinghan violently bumped into the man.

Do your best.

The man didn't even think that the little girl would use this trick, so he didn't defend himself, and was directly bumped into the big bed by the girl.

He was lying under her, and she... was riding on him.

The collar is half open, happy together.

"Well... so hard..."

Ye Jinghan rubbed his dizzy head, and slumped on the man's body powerlessly.

The coquettish and messy panting turned into bursts of hot air, which sprayed on his neck, making it tickle.

While panting, Ye Jinghan whispered in his ear with a voice that only he could hear.

And these words completely angered him.

His eyes flickered, and an ambiguous and dangerous smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

"Woman, you asked for this!"

The deep and moist voice pierced the eardrums.

Ye Jinghan, who was drowsy, felt that his eyes flickered, and he was pressed down by the man...

Late at night.

Ye Jinghan rubbed against the man longingly, a pair of slender legs hung tightly around his waist, bearing his high fighting spirit——


The tearing pain caused her body to arch, and her slender waist swayed under him, protesting his roughness.

But the more this happened, the deeper he sank, making it difficult for her to escape.

"You are--"

Chick? !

The man was a little surprised, but to stop now - absolutely impossible!

"It hurts... don't move..."

Ye Jinghan's inexplicable feeling nearly collapsed.

It was extreme pain, but it turned into joyful tremors during his brave gallop.


Ye Jinghan felt that he was going crazy, as if he was wandering between ice and fire.Drowsy mind, even more chaotic.

But when the deadly joy gradually climbed, a cello-like magnetic and sexy voice gradually approached in the darkness, with a touch of compulsion: "Remember, my name is Lu Yan..."

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