Under the command, the man hugged Bao Jinghan, who was unconscious, and turned into a phantom, taking advantage of the darkness around him to hide himself in it, and soon disappeared from Mo Ji's sight.

Watching Bao Jinghan being taken away, Mo Ji looked into the distance and stood there for a long time.

Following the noisy discussions downstairs, a new round of excitement was introduced, and he came back to his senses, rearranged his emotions, turned and left, and walked downstairs in the direction he had just come upstairs go.

The banquet hall on the first floor——

The bright woman in bright yellow cheongsam is like a peony in the morning sun, bright and beautiful.She pushed a four-story cake tower into the dark hall where she could hardly see her fingers.Slowly, slowly, he walked in the direction of the champagne tower that had been shot through before.

The appearance of this woman attracted almost everyone's attention.

Maybe it's because of her amazing appearance, maybe it's because of her enchanting figure, maybe it's because of her outstanding temperament, maybe it's because of the light she brings, or maybe it's because...she appeared too suddenly!

But her appearance definitely didn't push the banquet into a climax!

"Eh? Cake tower? Whose birthday is it today?"

"Oh God, I don't want to know whose birthday it is today. I just want to know whether the sound just now was a gunshot or a little surprise tonight..."

Shrinking her neck, the woman farthest from the light and shadow saw the woman approaching, heard the woman's question, and looked at the male companion next to her, whose eyes were almost staring, could not help but blame She pouted, and turned her eyes to the brightly colored woman again with a bit of resentment.

It seemed that there was an indescribable sour smell spreading in the air.

The smell of wine that filled the room almost overwhelmed it!

"Hey, you! Look at how promising you are. Isn't it just a gold-edged guy who comes out to show off his head and poses? Look, it makes you sour? I'm not afraid of losing my identity!"

Seeing the woman's little thoughtfulness, and being on good terms with her, the feminine woman who had been proudly raising her chin slightly glanced at the one in the center of her eyes, and almost pulled the eyes of all the men. All the beauties squinted their eyes contemptuously and scoffed coldly.

And reached out to give the woman whose head was about to burst into acid water

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