A very delicate atmosphere diffuses in the air.

Seeing the strong black name plate reflected in the candlelight, many people immediately turned pale and moved back a few steps.They probably had a premonition that something bad would happen, and instinctively dodged backwards, choosing a relative distance that would be safer for them.

And when they moved, the people around them also moved.

Even those people who didn't even understand what "Dian" meant at all, followed the footsteps of those people and scattered backwards.

In this way, the central area surrounded by the crowd was vacated.

Only Quan Leng remained where he was.

It seemed very unexpected.

And if I describe it in detail, at this moment, although he still maintains that elegant and extraordinary posture, he stands there proudly.But his stiff body, his slightly trembling fingers holding the stem of the goblet tightly, and his eyes that almost popped out of their sockets... definitely did not betray his thoughts at this time!

It was as if someone had cast a fixing spell on him, and he stood there completely stiff, motionless.

In other words, he couldn't move his footsteps at all.

Because of his heart.

In his heart, there is a secret that is heavier, crueler and more terrifying than Ju Ye.

And the scene in front of him, to him, simply hit the secret that was engraved on the giant beast and had been pressing in his heart.The sudden attack awakened the giant beast that had been silent for many years. It roared, roared, struggled, and waved its sharp claws, cutting his ugly heart to the brim with blood!

"No, don't come here!"

"do not come!"

"Come on, come on! Get her out of here!"

"Get her out, get her out, get her out—"

At this moment, he roared and jumped into a rage.

How can there be any elegance and calmness in that fierce appearance?

The red eyes stared fiercely at the beautiful woman in front of him who was pushing the cake tower and standing calmly in front of him.That look was extremely cold and cruel, as if he wanted to use his eyes to linger her, and also seemed to see through her body, penetrate her, and look into the depths of her soul...

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