Following the sound, everyone raised their necks subconsciously and looked into the sky.

In midair, without the twilight of a candle, it was still dark.

And that sound, like the air slowly permeated from the darkness, came from all directions, spread in the air, almost every corner could hear the tingling sound .


The timid lady swallowed her saliva, and subconsciously folded her arms around her chest, embracing herself.Those who have a male companion, either reach out and grab the male companion's sleeve, or wrap their arms around the male companion's arm more tightly, so as to make themselves feel more secure.

In fact, human beings, like all animals, will immediately look for ways to make themselves feel safe when they encounter something they fear.

However, compared to the behavior of women, men are much tougher.

Especially the men with female companions, in order to show their heroic side in front of their female companions, each of them puffed up their chests and proudly displayed their "bravery".Of course, if they didn't shrink back when the voice sounded again in the next moment, their "brave" side was quite successful.

It's just that all of these are not the focus of Bo Junchen's attention.

What he cares about is still Mo Ji.

Seeing his abnormal strike-up behavior, think about Bao Jinghan who has not appeared for a long time, and the familiar yet unfamiliar voice echoing above his head.

Bo Junchen frowned tightly again.

A "Chuan" character was formed between the eyebrows, and a small bun was twisted.

Looking down, his long eyelashes concealed the rapidly changing emotions in his eyes, and he kept thinking about some possibilities in his mind.Logically speaking, if this scene was arranged by Bao Jinghan, there is no reason why Jinghan would not come.Relying on her temperament, if she arranges these things, she will definitely come to check and accept the results.

Especially, the one right now is still a guy who has ulterior motives and has been thinking about the Bo family's ideas.In addition, he has been in charge of an ancient key that should have been in Bo Qingqing's hands for so many years. No matter how he got it in the first place, there should be a story if he can hold it.

And they don't know the story, and Jing Han doesn't know either, so doesn't she want to pry something out of his mouth?


Is Jing Han's disappearance real?

Was it because something really happened that she couldn't show up in time?

"who are you?"

"Come out! Come out for me!"

"What kind of skill is it to play tricks, come out to me if you have the guts!"

"I want to see, what kind of thing are you, you dare to disturb my banquet! You, get out of here, get out!"


Quan Lengyuan roared like crazy.

He threw his head back and waved his cane in the air.

Those who know clearly know that he wants to compete with that guy who is hiding in the dark and making trouble.

But I don't know, just looking at his actions, I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding, he is talking to the air clamoring, right?Well, upon closer inspection, it's a bit of a typical image of a mentally ill patient!

The banquet hall became extremely quiet.

The guy who was hiding in the dark seemed to be scared, but he didn't respond for a long time, letting his power and yelling.They roared one after another, becoming more insane!

Of course, Quan Leng at this moment is more timid than anyone present.He is afraid, because the person hiding in the dark knows his secret.

That's why he yelled at him in this way.

Emboldened by this...

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