"So afraid of me, you want me to come out, heh"

The cold laughter echoed above the dimly lit banquet hall. When I heard it suddenly, I felt the hairs on my back stand on end, and I felt a little panicked in my heart.

But unable to bear the curiosity, everyone subconsciously followed the voice and looked up into the sky.I want to meet that guy hiding in the dark.

There was even some vague anticipation, hoping that the mysterious figure could come out by himself!

"Hmph, I'm afraid of you? How could I be afraid of a villain like you who pretends to be a ghost!"

"Hehe... Well, I will come out to meet you as you wish. But before that, I have a question, I need to ask Mr. Quan. Just now, you saw the man pushing the cake cart Did you recall anything when you met a woman? In that memory, there should be a very young woman whose figure and temperament are very similar to her? If I remember correctly, she should be "

The voice suddenly stopped, and it also whetted everyone's appetite.

And just when everyone's eyes focused on Quan Leng's body, secretly guessing what kind of relationship the beauty who appeared just now has with this guy in front of him, it made everyone's appetites tightly lifted The voice continued to come.

Everyone subconsciously pricked up their ears to listen.

"She should have become your nightmare! Because of the... crimes you, a hypocrite, committed back then!!!"

"To shut up!"

"Dare to act, isn't that what Mr. Quan implemented? Then why didn't you admit those things that happened back then? I think everyone here must really want to know that back then, you dared to marry your wife. ..."

"Shut up, I tell you to shut up! Shut up"

The cane poked fiercely on the ground, and when the last word fell with a loud sound, Quan Leng suddenly raised his arm and waved the cane towards the sky.

A wave of arms.

From that action, it can be seen that he is extremely emotional.

However, to be honest, such an action is still very "laughing".It looks extraordinarily funny, but if it is paired with his ferocious expression and the viciousness on his face when waving his arms, this funnyness becomes particularly weird, and people subconsciously froze that uncontrollable smile .

A short silence.

Everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

But in the next second, everyone seemed to have regained their senses, and started whispering again.

But at this moment, the lights in the hall suddenly turned on.

For the guests who had adapted to the dim light, the sudden return to normal light of the power system was too dazzling, and it made them unable to adapt.They all squinted their eyes subconsciously, or covered the light in front of them with their hands or bags in their hands.

But the discomfort caused by this light has not yet subsided, another bigger riot, but at this time, suddenly struck




The exquisite giant crystal lamp in the center of the hall seems to want to add some "interest" to the already chaotic scene, so that you can experience it yourself and create a sense of chaos for human beings.So he thought it was not chaotic enough, and made a free fall, directly hitting the crowd.

The light bulb burst, the metal ring struck, and the exquisitely carved crystal crystals resounded.

There were cries for help and screams from the crowd again.

The criss-crossing is like a tango from hell...

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