The military off-road was galloping all the way in the storm.

Go to the Military General Hospital.

Thanks to Ji Yueze, Bo Jinghan enjoyed the treatment of being a "head".

Not only is the service thoughtful and meticulous, even the little nurse who took her blood test is all little beauties.

But this was also what troubled Bao Jinghan, she really couldn't figure it out, there were several blood cuts on her arm, was it necessary to take a blood test?Is it necessary to do brain CT, MRI?

This is a skin trauma, not a concussion!

"Miss Bo, please come inside..."

"What else to check?!"

A suspicious, slightly forceful voice raised its pitch a few times, and suddenly rang out.

A little impatient.

But these words were really not said by Bao Jinghan, but by Li Yi who followed her all the time to monitor her, fearing that she would run away because she hated the hospital.

But at this moment, he was also given a headache by the numerous inspection items!

It turned out that he was afraid that his handling was not perfect and that her wound was inflamed, so he agreed with Ji Yueze's intention and insisted on getting her here for an examination.

But when he found out that Ji Yueze's so-called inspection was not a medicine at all, and after re-bandaging was so simple, he regretted it!

Where is this check?

This is simply a punishment, okay?

Seeing Li Yi's gloomy face, the little nurse held back her energy, and immediately turned over the inspection item list in her hand, looked up and down and said, "Uh... this gentleman, the boss told me to do it for Miss Bo. A full physical examination, so it may take some time—”

"There's no need to check, just re-bandage her wound."

"I can't decide this matter, please don't embarrass us. If you don't want to continue the inspection, please talk to the person above..."

After a harsh pause, the little nurse lowered her head and looked at Bao Jinghan who was sitting on the soft chair.

He was obviously upset, but he didn't dare to vent his anger.

Because on their first day on the job, those veterans taught them their experience. The first thing is, memorize the key parts and don't mess with powerful people!

As for the two in front of me, although they are no longer in the ranks of powerful figures, they are also arranged by the superiors, and they are ancestors who cannot be offended.

"Looking for someone? I'll look for it right away, but please take her to treat the injury on her arm first!"

Taking a deep breath, although Li Yi's tone was tough, it was not the kind to find fault, but he was naturally cold towards strangers.

And when he turned his head and met Bao Jinghan, his gaze changed: "I'm going to find Ji Yueze—"

"No need to go, isn't it just a few checkups, I will continue to do it. Just treat it as a comprehensive physical checkup this year!"

Smell, the smell of potion in the air.

God knows how much she wanted to escape!

But she didn't hide, but suppressed the fear of the hospital and stayed.

Seeing her get up and follow the little nurse to the next room, Li Yi couldn't sit still anymore, turned around and walked outside.

And as soon as he walked out of the first door, he bumped into Ji Yueze in the corridor.

"Coincidentally, I was looking for you!"

Copying his pocket with one hand, Li Yi approached Ji Yueze, with no ferocious look on his face, but the menacing evil spirit was rippling under the exaggerated shell of his son-in-law, hiding a crisis.

Li Yi is not a child who loves fighting, but he has had a problem since he was a child——

Keep it short!

The ultimate short guard!

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