A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

Chapter 615 Black enough, damaged enough, poisonous enough, and still very refined

Don't look at him not being serious all day long, there are still many petty problems in his pampering.

But this guy is definitely the kind who makes a big splash.

Under the guise of Zhang Sao leaking out, and Genhongmiao Zheng's disguise, but hiding a very bad, bad, very bad, sinister and sullen heart!

In short, he is a scourge...

And this scourge protects the shortcomings, just like protecting a calf.

Regardless of the reason, only on the pro!

Standing in front of Ji Yueze, Li explained his purpose concisely.

But Ji Yueze didn't speak, just stood by the window, looking quietly at the white light across the sky.

It's difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger, but the expression on his face is quite gentle.

His silence made Li Yiyi a little confused for a while, but he was not in a hurry, and stood on the other side of the window, staring at Ji Yueze.

There was a stalemate for several minutes.

Ji Yueze finally spoke out, but just one sentence: "I can't decide this matter."

"You can't be the master, who is the master? You're the one who made the inspection! Hurry up, let them all withdraw, my little girl is not afraid of anything, but the hospital is what she fears most! She doesn't want to refute You save face, you don’t want people to know that she is cowardly, and she is going to be tortured inside! It’s good for you, you push it cleanly, it’s on purpose!”

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Li Yi unconsciously raised the end of his eyes following the arc of his eyebrows.

The charming peach blossom eyes, with a lively and cool gleam, reflected the bewitching tear mole that filled the sky, covering up the most real emotion in his heart.

But he had vaguely noticed something in his heart, and before he could figure it out, Ji Yueze's gentle voice, like Ganquan, fell into his ears when the raindrops beat the window glass rhythmically.

"Young Master Li, if my guess is correct, Ms. Bo probably won't let you come to me!"

Looking up, Ji Yueze cast an indifferent glance at him, and the elegant smile that was always on the corner of his mouth, with the movement of his lips, attached a layer of incomprehensible deep meaning: "Li Shao is a smart man. Do you think, if This is just my arrangement. Will Miss Bo continue to stay in this hospital because of my face? Hehe, I don't think my face is enough for Miss Bo to stick to this. And she didn't let you come to me, I must have guessed it, who arranged this whole set of inspections..."

Speaking of this, almost all of them were named.

As soon as Li turned his mind, he immediately understood.

"Lu Yan? Her little lover?!"

"Li Shao is transparent, as expected of—"

"I'm nothing, just a manager who was assigned by the old hair of the family to spend some money with my sister Han. But Lu Yan is really black and bad enough. He specializes in pinching people's weaknesses, and he can really go down there. hand!"

Li Yi stopped Ji Yueze's unfinished words, obviously not wanting to hear anything.

Then the topic changed, and he sighed meaningfully, and there was a hint of interest in the complicated eyes: "However, I still want to meet him!"


So much fun!

This kid surnamed Lu is simply Bo Jinghan's nemesis, his idol!

Not only is it black enough to damage enough to be poisonous, but it is also very refined.

He spotted the girl's stubborn and stubborn nature, but he took advantage of it to pinch her weak point firmly.


However, isn't he the girl's lover?How can you be willing to do black hands!

Could it be that the word "love" is mixed with water like that girl?

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