Come here again? !

Lu Yan was a little helpless, he had already guessed the purpose of his grandmother calling him back yesterday.

But I came back a little late yesterday, and the old lady didn't say anything.

So I waited until this time before taking it out.

"Mom, Xiaoyan doesn't like this, so don't force him."

I have long been used to the loving quarrel between the old couple.

Lu's father, who was eating sullenly, did not expect the old lady to talk about such things during breakfast.

He quickly turned his head to exchange eyes with Lu's mother, and then turned his head to excuse his son.

"That's right. Mom, Xiaoyan is young, and it's time to put her career first, so she can't be distracted. Besides, this relationship depends on fate. You see, you and Dad, it's just fate. !"

Not far behind, Mother Lu agreed.

In a blink of an eye, he winked at his son, telling him to pursue the victory.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Lu Yan put down her chopsticks, without even looking at it, she stretched out her hand and pushed the stack of pictures of beauties back to the old lady.

Then, he said lightly: "I have someone I like!"

The deep voice suddenly passed through the restaurant.

Calm, indifferent, but decisive.

Like a torpedo, it was thrown into the bottom of the water in an instant, and layers of waves were created during the explosion, making everyone look at it together.

Eyes are different.

But there is one thing in common - consternation!

After being dazed for a moment, four voices asked at the same time, "Who?!"


Time flew by, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

When A Ze walked into Bao Jinghan's bedroom with his afternoon tea.

Bao Jinghan happened to turn off the large screen opposite the workbench. Seeing him approaching, he took off his glasses and rubbed the sore corners of his eyes.

"Miss, you didn't eat much at noon, and now you eat as much as you want. You have to attend a banquet tonight!"

Instruct the servants to arrange the afternoon tea.

Aze walked over, picked out a few of her favorites and put them on the plate, and poured her a cup of tea at the same time.

When she came to eat, he walked to the balcony and opened all the curtains.

Plenty of sunlight came in.

Bao Jinghan squinted his eyes, adapting to the suddenly brightened room.

Holding a small macaron in his hand, he brought it to his lips.

"Is Ivan out?"

"I went out after lunch. Maybe it's because you, Miss... are too shameless!"

Thinking of the scene where Bao Jinghan was arguing with the Yaonan Earl at noon, Aze couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth.

But when he raised his eyes, he met those sly dark eyes again.

Aze quickly restrained his smile, and tightened his lips, just like his tall and straight figure that was tensed at any time.

"That's what he asked for!"

Bao Jinghan snorted coldly, took a bite of the macaron, and changed the subject: "I just talked to Jason, and grandpa also said hello. Jason will be able to finish the work at hand in a few days. After the handover , will come over next weekend. You should book a ticket for him first!"

Aze nodded and wrote it down carefully.

He didn't talk too much about why Bao Jinghan ordered Jason to come here.

Instead, he picked up the delicate bone china teapot and refilled her with some tea.

After the meal, Bo Jinghan handed an encrypted file to Ze.

"You take this, when you are free, study and study!"

She didn't directly say what it was, and her face was indifferent, as if it was not something important.

But his eyes flickered slightly, he didn't know what he was hiding, it was very weird.

Aze took the document and opened his mouth slightly.

Before he could speak, he heard a rapid knock on the door.

With permission, the people outside the door hurried in and hurriedly informed——

"Miss, Young Master Lu has come and is waiting for you downstairs!"

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