A Pillow of Greedy Love: The Young Master's Little Wife

70. The person who should not be entangled together

"Understood, let him wait a moment, I will change clothes and go down."

Push open the door of the cloakroom.

Bao Jinghan picked clothes in a leisurely manner.

After changing, he simply tidied up his hair before going out.

"Miss," he called out as he passed by Aze.

Seeing her stop, Aze approached quickly, stretched out his hand to lift the skirt around her waist, and tied a bow skillfully.


Picking up the auction item that he was going to exchange in advance, Bao Jinghan left without looking back.



Lu Yan sat on the sofa, flipping through the newspaper.

Hearing footsteps, he looked back.

"The mayor of Laolu Lu condescends to his honor and condescends to his humble home. I'm really ashamed."

A charming smile, seductive.

Bao Jinghan, who was so bright and incomprehensible, was already standing behind Lu Yan, squinting his eyes and talking to him in an official tone: "Mayor Lu, this is because uncle didn't think carefully about this matter, I will apologize for him!"

"Miss Bo is modest. It is an honor to invite you as my female companion!"

The handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was more anger on Lu Yan's calm face, and the lips curled up slightly, like provocation or sarcasm.

But his mouth imitated her tone, playing an official accent.

The two complimented each other without saying a word.

After talking for more than ten minutes, Bao Jinghan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he leaned closer.

The tone of voice changed suddenly, a little cold.

It's like a warning!

"Lu Yan, I don't know what the hell you're planning, but I advise you, don't use your brain!"

Bao Jinghan really didn't understand Lu Yan.

It stands to reason that in his capacity, he should not be entangled with her.

But he has developed a bond with her time and time again, and even agreed to Bo Junchen's request!

Is it—

"Don't worry, I don't have any plans for the Bo family." Even if I did, it was only for her!

Lu Yan's intoxicating voice clung to her earlobe and penetrated into her ears.

Bao Jinghan was startled and regained consciousness.

The eyes that were originally in a trance were suddenly full of guard, but the smile on the lips did not diminish at all.

The four eyes meet.

The man's noble and proud eyebrows fell into his eyes.

The handsome face is close at hand.

And those unfathomable eyes that seem to be able to penetrate her heart, but at this moment there is a charming smile, almost drowning her...

Bao Jinghan's eyes trembled slightly.

Soon, she restrained her emotions, narrowed her fox-like eyes, smiled seductively, and slightly parted her red lips.

"It doesn't matter what you say, I will watch you carefully!"

"What do you think? I don't mind, you tie me around 24 hours a day."

Shrugging, Lu Yan said it very easily.

Bao Jinghan slightly raised his eyebrows, suppressing the inexplicable emotions in his heart, gritted his teeth, and still had a smile on his face.

"Don't dare, kidnapping a public official is a serious crime. I am a good citizen, absolutely law-abiding, and will not offend Mayor Lu!"

With that said, she turned around and made a gesture of invitation: "Mayor Lu, it's almost time, let's go!"

Looking at the back of Bao Jinghan who left first.

Lu Yan's heart tightened.

Immediately, he sorted out the thoughts that suddenly turned up in his heart, and called out to stop her.

"Little wild cat!"

"Lu Yan, I warned you—"

His figure swayed slightly, and he stood still.

Bao Jinghan took a deep breath, maintaining his composure.

The moment she turned to him, her romantic and charming eyes suddenly froze, falling on something pink in his left hand, and froze...

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