Pulling back the curtain, Bao Jinghan walked towards the dressing mirror.

The shopping guide lady at the side couldn't help opening her eyes wide, and her eyes fell on her, slightly frozen.

She didn't expect that during the news report, the enchanting and charming woman in a red dress would wear a pure and elegant white dress, which would have a unique charm.

At first glance, it looks dignified and elegant, yet glamorous and charming——

The phone rang, interrupting the shopping guide's words.

Bao Jinghan picked up the phone and glanced at it, his eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately raised his head: "Please go out and wait for me!"

The shopping guide's eyes were flexible, and she knew at a glance that she had an important call to answer, so she hurriedly left with a smile on her face.

And the moment the door was opened, there was an exclamation from outside the door.

"So handsome! He is my god..."

The shopping guide lady who was going out probably also felt embarrassed, so she hurried out and closed the door behind her.

The VIP room returned to silence.

Bao Jinghan answered the phone calmly, greeted the other party in proficient French, and showed a warm and hearty smile when he talked about happiness.

It lasted about ten minutes.

Just as she hung up the phone, Fiona's call came in again.

"Fiona, aren't you on vacation today?"

"I don't have any time off! Ancestor, do you know how many invitation calls I received today? It's going to blow up my phone!"

As long as Fiona thinks about being woken up by repeated bombardment of work calls when she was sleeping in the hotel in the morning, she will feel depressed.


Raising his eyebrows slightly, Bao Jinghan said coolly, "You're not going to come to me to give you a raise, are you?"

"Bah, bah, bah, you think of me as Jason's miser. I'm a conscientious and loyal man! Of course, I don't mind if you give me a raise."

Listening to Fiona's deliberately exaggerated tone, Bao Jinghan pursed his lips and got to the point.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Fiona cleared her throat, and lowered her voice solemnly.

"There is an advertisement case, I think you should be interested."


"Yes... it's from that scumbag man's family, endorsement for skin care products. Today, the director of their advertising department found the hotel where I stayed and sent all the advertising plans. I must tell you..."


During the phone call, there was silence.

Even so quiet, she could hear Bao Jinghan's breathing.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Fiona, who was waiting, was a little flustered, and she was about to open her mouth to make a decision for her.

But he heard Bao Jinghan's melodious voice penetrate the receiver and fall into his ears.

The tone was calm and composed, but he couldn't hide the sarcasm and sarcasm in his tone.

<thia,我看还是拒绝了吧!反正,薄家早就宣称,你是薄氏的首席御用model,有薄家当挡箭牌,他们也不敢明目张胆的…… ”

Before Fiona finished speaking, Bao Jinghan spoke again, uttering a word sonorously: "Go!"

Fiona was taken aback.

Before he recovered, he heard a whisper from the other end of the phone, faint and a bit weird...

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